complaints, cookies and a grupmy old dishrug
it's been a while. we're sorry about that, we've been busy in school that's all! we do have a lot of fun though. tonight it's pub night for all the students at the rag and famish. we're going. if it's not fun at least it includes a free meal which we appreciate.
so, last monday when we came back from school a piece of paper was stuck under our door. it said that we've been making to much noise at 4AM the 19 and 25 of july (both were saturdays i might ad, not in the middle of the week exactly). we got a bit stirred up about this, was this a warning? would we be thrown out of the palace? it didn't say anything like that though, we might have been overreacting a teeny tiny bit. anyhow, being the darling girls we are, Lou and I decided on putting together small bags with chocolate chip cookies in them with a pink ribbon and a note saying "sorry for making so much noise, we weren't aware! Enjoy our "we're sorry cookies" :) the girls in n.22" - so it is a bit cheesy, but whatever it was appreciated let me tell you and now everybody loves us. we put the little presents outside everyone's door for them to see when they came back from work our got out in the morning.
15 minutes later there's a knock on the door. two neighbours has come down to tell us how cute we are, and that it was a really appreciated gesture. they hadn't heard a thing, ever (they live right above us) and asked us if the old lady downstairs had gotten us into trouble. we told them the story and they laughed and said that she complains about everything and that they call her the grumpy old dishrug. we told them about that time when she told Lou that "it makes an annoying sound when you're pulling out your chairs" and they said we shouldn't worry too much and then they asked us to come for drinks soon. lovely neighbours.
anyhow, we're buying a carpet. a big one so it might kill some of the sound from the wooden floors. that means we're going to IKEA again soon. yay! we do love it there. Im gonna buy some Daim, or maybe Bilar, or Marabou mjölkchoklad, or all of them. Petra and Robin went to IKEA yesterday and without us even asking for it (so sweet of you guys!), they bought us 'möbeltassar' - don't know the word in english, so now we are going to have two layers of those under our chairs for the sake of the grumpy old dishrugs sensitive ears.
today we woke up an hour before our alarmclock went off. very good of us i may say since getting out if bed in the morning has been somewhat of a problem for us so far. maybe the jetlag has finally disappeared. although, as I realized yesterday, we've already been here over a month!! so it should be well gone by now shouldn't it?
we are all, well not all it's just Antonio and myself, waiting for packages from sweden. exciting exciting. i know for a fact that both of them contains swedish candy!!!!!! thank god!! ferraribilar i miss you so! and the red+black skulls. I also know for a fact that Antonio's candy doesn't contain any salty liquorice or chocolate so I'm actually not that interested in that particular candy. however his package will get here before mine so I might indulge anyway :)
love Nic
so, last monday when we came back from school a piece of paper was stuck under our door. it said that we've been making to much noise at 4AM the 19 and 25 of july (both were saturdays i might ad, not in the middle of the week exactly). we got a bit stirred up about this, was this a warning? would we be thrown out of the palace? it didn't say anything like that though, we might have been overreacting a teeny tiny bit. anyhow, being the darling girls we are, Lou and I decided on putting together small bags with chocolate chip cookies in them with a pink ribbon and a note saying "sorry for making so much noise, we weren't aware! Enjoy our "we're sorry cookies" :) the girls in n.22" - so it is a bit cheesy, but whatever it was appreciated let me tell you and now everybody loves us. we put the little presents outside everyone's door for them to see when they came back from work our got out in the morning.
15 minutes later there's a knock on the door. two neighbours has come down to tell us how cute we are, and that it was a really appreciated gesture. they hadn't heard a thing, ever (they live right above us) and asked us if the old lady downstairs had gotten us into trouble. we told them the story and they laughed and said that she complains about everything and that they call her the grumpy old dishrug. we told them about that time when she told Lou that "it makes an annoying sound when you're pulling out your chairs" and they said we shouldn't worry too much and then they asked us to come for drinks soon. lovely neighbours.
anyhow, we're buying a carpet. a big one so it might kill some of the sound from the wooden floors. that means we're going to IKEA again soon. yay! we do love it there. Im gonna buy some Daim, or maybe Bilar, or Marabou mjölkchoklad, or all of them. Petra and Robin went to IKEA yesterday and without us even asking for it (so sweet of you guys!), they bought us 'möbeltassar' - don't know the word in english, so now we are going to have two layers of those under our chairs for the sake of the grumpy old dishrugs sensitive ears.
today we woke up an hour before our alarmclock went off. very good of us i may say since getting out if bed in the morning has been somewhat of a problem for us so far. maybe the jetlag has finally disappeared. although, as I realized yesterday, we've already been here over a month!! so it should be well gone by now shouldn't it?
we are all, well not all it's just Antonio and myself, waiting for packages from sweden. exciting exciting. i know for a fact that both of them contains swedish candy!!!!!! thank god!! ferraribilar i miss you so! and the red+black skulls. I also know for a fact that Antonio's candy doesn't contain any salty liquorice or chocolate so I'm actually not that interested in that particular candy. however his package will get here before mine so I might indulge anyway :)
love Nic
bara för svenska ögon
första helsvenska inlägget. tyckte det var dags, eller framför allt, det är enda sättet vår klass inte förstår vad vi skriver om dem. bra det här med att ha två språk. just nu sitter jag och lou i the palace och väntar på att resten av gänget ska komma hit. egentligen skulle vi ses i primrose park kl 4 och spela fotboll men pga DÅLIG PLANERING är Crows Nest gänget fortfarande på IKEA, där de har huserat sedan kl 12 idag. hemlängtansvarning kanske? Mia och Felix är väl också på ingående tror jag..de traskar nog med sin dramaten as im writing så att säga. ikväll ska vi på inflyttningsfest..igen..ska bli superkul! denna gången är det i Crows Nest hos Emma, Thomas och Rebecca!
okej, till dilemmat med klassen som de inte får ta del av då. de är SÅ SMÅ. eller unga kanske är rätt ord att använda. de är i genomsnitt födda 90-91, en är född 92 - jag är FEM ÅR ÄLDRE! det är helt galet och det märks så tydligt. det är som högstadiet/gymnasiet all over again. men jag och louise framstår som stjärnor eftersom vi faktiskt lyssnar, tar anteckningar och pratar med lärarna. inte bara det, jag fick även leka sjuksköterska till en av mina lärare som jag mötte på toaletten och mådde jättedåligt och kräktes hej vilt. lite läskigt eftersom vi hade lektion med henne och inte är så sugen på kräksjuka för tillfället.
iaf, klassen. de är så barnsliga - helt hysteriska. och vi har ett grupparbete som sträcker sig över hela terminen. innan gruppindelningen kom vi fram till två stycken vi verkligen inte ville hamna i samma grupp som. louise med sin naturliga fallenhet för att hamna i de bästa grupperna hamnade såklart med båda två. jag hamnade med en som leker bonde på facebook och en som har en katt, en ödla, två grodor och fyra illrar som husdjur.
nej, nu ska jag gå ut och lukta på kakan vi bakat som inflyttningspresent.
puss o kram
okej, till dilemmat med klassen som de inte får ta del av då. de är SÅ SMÅ. eller unga kanske är rätt ord att använda. de är i genomsnitt födda 90-91, en är född 92 - jag är FEM ÅR ÄLDRE! det är helt galet och det märks så tydligt. det är som högstadiet/gymnasiet all over again. men jag och louise framstår som stjärnor eftersom vi faktiskt lyssnar, tar anteckningar och pratar med lärarna. inte bara det, jag fick även leka sjuksköterska till en av mina lärare som jag mötte på toaletten och mådde jättedåligt och kräktes hej vilt. lite läskigt eftersom vi hade lektion med henne och inte är så sugen på kräksjuka för tillfället.
iaf, klassen. de är så barnsliga - helt hysteriska. och vi har ett grupparbete som sträcker sig över hela terminen. innan gruppindelningen kom vi fram till två stycken vi verkligen inte ville hamna i samma grupp som. louise med sin naturliga fallenhet för att hamna i de bästa grupperna hamnade såklart med båda två. jag hamnade med en som leker bonde på facebook och en som har en katt, en ödla, två grodor och fyra illrar som husdjur.
nej, nu ska jag gå ut och lukta på kakan vi bakat som inflyttningspresent.
puss o kram
sydney morning
a little piece of heaven.
hello friends and family.
as you probably have noticed we aren't updating the blog as much as before, this is because we have had a bunch of stuff dumped on our pretty shoulders. as we "speak" nicole and i are sitting on the floor drawing sound symbols and perspectives. the result of that will be visible on the blog later on. we also got a few other assessments that we should start to work on pretty soon. all the assignments sound like a lot of fun, and we are both exited to start to work on them/finish them/get them over with.
anyway, it's friday, and we're very exited about that as it means we can sleep a bit longer tomorrow, some people might settle with that, but no, not nicole and louise. big plans. first some homework doing and then we will head down to the park and play some football. when my team has won we will go back to the palace and eat a delicious dinner aka dominos pizza. after the little-piece-of-heaven-pizza we will transport ourselves to our friends housewarming party. nice nice nice.
well, talk to you soon. now: supermarket sound drawing.
fred ut. /Louise the chocolate lover.
as you probably have noticed we aren't updating the blog as much as before, this is because we have had a bunch of stuff dumped on our pretty shoulders. as we "speak" nicole and i are sitting on the floor drawing sound symbols and perspectives. the result of that will be visible on the blog later on. we also got a few other assessments that we should start to work on pretty soon. all the assignments sound like a lot of fun, and we are both exited to start to work on them/finish them/get them over with.
anyway, it's friday, and we're very exited about that as it means we can sleep a bit longer tomorrow, some people might settle with that, but no, not nicole and louise. big plans. first some homework doing and then we will head down to the park and play some football. when my team has won we will go back to the palace and eat a delicious dinner aka dominos pizza. after the little-piece-of-heaven-pizza we will transport ourselves to our friends housewarming party. nice nice nice.
well, talk to you soon. now: supermarket sound drawing.
fred ut. /Louise the chocolate lover.
glenn is our hero
today glenn saved us! he came over, first day back in sydney, and taught us how to draw perspectives. don't know if we told you yet, but we do have and outstanding homework 'til monday - we have to draw hundreds (10-15) sketches in different mediums of perspectives, both interiors and objects in our apartment. the small problem though is that we don't have any furniture, so the objects are kind of out of the picture here.
we have a lot to do in school, its fun though. we're drawing our sketches as i said, then we're starting on a self-branding project which is going to be great fun. im gonna present myself as a baking-book or whatever you call it (bakbok) and lou is gonna be a garden, a seed that grows. whatelse do we do..? oh, yes we're illustration sound as symbols which is fun. what sound would you illustrate as George Bush argumenting with Bin Laden? i thought of two parrots, or monkeys.
okay, so that was an extremely short note from me. i just have to get back to my sketches now. and my family is home from france, finally, so i have a date on skype with them in 20 minutes. so chop chop.
oh, can't wait 'til saturday. we planned a great evening. first soccer in primrose park next to us, then felix, mia and antonio are coming over for dinner and thena nother housewarming. awesome.
x x x
we have a lot to do in school, its fun though. we're drawing our sketches as i said, then we're starting on a self-branding project which is going to be great fun. im gonna present myself as a baking-book or whatever you call it (bakbok) and lou is gonna be a garden, a seed that grows. whatelse do we do..? oh, yes we're illustration sound as symbols which is fun. what sound would you illustrate as George Bush argumenting with Bin Laden? i thought of two parrots, or monkeys.
okay, so that was an extremely short note from me. i just have to get back to my sketches now. and my family is home from france, finally, so i have a date on skype with them in 20 minutes. so chop chop.
oh, can't wait 'til saturday. we planned a great evening. first soccer in primrose park next to us, then felix, mia and antonio are coming over for dinner and thena nother housewarming. awesome.
x x x
today is my nameday - and sarah's - since it is sara today. so happy nameday to ME to ME to ME and to sarah. moving on, yesterday was such a good day. i think ive found a new soulmate in mia, lovely girl. hilarious. i thought i was crazy, but im no where near. i love it.
so, at the moment im chatting with johanna on facebook. i so want her to move here and live with us. i miss her like crazy. can you just come here!? you know, we're all plotting against you - don't trust anyone love he he
im so disgusted right now, lou is talking to snäll-jesper on facebook and he's telling her about when he woke up and had a cockroach on its way into his mouth. apparently the same thing also happened to a friend of his. yuck. yuck. yuck.
no luck with finding a new roomate yet. jonna who was going to move in decided to go back to sweden. sad. but we're negotiating (READ:persuading) a guy from sweden, CJ to move in. he seems pretty positive. but who wouldn't be. i mean it's not called the palace for nothing.
tomorrow is our first day in school. for real. im nervous, big time. i hope it all goes well. thank god for lou who's gonna sit right next to me. so fingers crossed for the class to be a good one. hopefully there will be fun people.
so, see you soon my darling darlings. Nic
ooh, almost forgot. chocolate and vanilla strikes again - today we made lasagna! well done us. its 8 servings, so hopefully its good.
so, at the moment im chatting with johanna on facebook. i so want her to move here and live with us. i miss her like crazy. can you just come here!? you know, we're all plotting against you - don't trust anyone love he he
im so disgusted right now, lou is talking to snäll-jesper on facebook and he's telling her about when he woke up and had a cockroach on its way into his mouth. apparently the same thing also happened to a friend of his. yuck. yuck. yuck.
no luck with finding a new roomate yet. jonna who was going to move in decided to go back to sweden. sad. but we're negotiating (READ:persuading) a guy from sweden, CJ to move in. he seems pretty positive. but who wouldn't be. i mean it's not called the palace for nothing.
tomorrow is our first day in school. for real. im nervous, big time. i hope it all goes well. thank god for lou who's gonna sit right next to me. so fingers crossed for the class to be a good one. hopefully there will be fun people.
so, see you soon my darling darlings. Nic
ooh, almost forgot. chocolate and vanilla strikes again - today we made lasagna! well done us. its 8 servings, so hopefully its good.
position: heaven on earth aka our oasis in the living room.
weather: probably 20 degrees.
health: good at the moment after taking an alvedon to ease the headache from hell.
hunger: nope, not hungry at all, looking forward to dinner though (we're having meatballs). nicole just made us yoghurt with apple and honey for breakfast/lunch.
plan for today: grocery shopping (we need eggs, potatoes and yoghurt)
peace out
/lou the magic possum
weather: probably 20 degrees.
health: good at the moment after taking an alvedon to ease the headache from hell.
hunger: nope, not hungry at all, looking forward to dinner though (we're having meatballs). nicole just made us yoghurt with apple and honey for breakfast/lunch.
plan for today: grocery shopping (we need eggs, potatoes and yoghurt)
peace out
/lou the magic possum
raspberry jam
good morning.
just got up, or got up is a bit of a overstatement since we're still in bed. in a few moments we will let the energy we collected take us out on a powerwalk around the area. we've heard that it should be a park and some water just down the street from us, so we need to explore that for future sunbathing. it looks warm today, maybe 18 degrees, hopefully more. well, on the way home we're gonna stop by the post-office since my other package from sweden has arrived. got the first one two days ago so we been pretty occupied watching entourage. we fell asleep to it last night.
todays menu is pretty exiting as we are gonna eat porridge with raspberry jam for breakfast, swedish meatballs (from IKEA) for lunch and pizza for dinner! my God, what a day. are you jealous?
and the fun doesn't stop there. at 4 we're gonna go play Brännboll in some park around here, i believe that it started on F. the lovely activity is part of a housewarming party, which we will go to later for some pizza.
well, hope you will have a great day. talk to you soon.
Louise Odelberg aka babypooface
just got up, or got up is a bit of a overstatement since we're still in bed. in a few moments we will let the energy we collected take us out on a powerwalk around the area. we've heard that it should be a park and some water just down the street from us, so we need to explore that for future sunbathing. it looks warm today, maybe 18 degrees, hopefully more. well, on the way home we're gonna stop by the post-office since my other package from sweden has arrived. got the first one two days ago so we been pretty occupied watching entourage. we fell asleep to it last night.
todays menu is pretty exiting as we are gonna eat porridge with raspberry jam for breakfast, swedish meatballs (from IKEA) for lunch and pizza for dinner! my God, what a day. are you jealous?
and the fun doesn't stop there. at 4 we're gonna go play Brännboll in some park around here, i believe that it started on F. the lovely activity is part of a housewarming party, which we will go to later for some pizza.
well, hope you will have a great day. talk to you soon.
Louise Odelberg aka babypooface
probably the best city in the world

when looking for Dank Street Galleries this morning we got lost, or not lost exactly, but we went the wrong way and ended up on the opposite side of the city. annoying. so we decided (after having to put lou off the idea of walking all the way from cirqular quay to neutral bay) that we would do a teeny tiny bit of sightseeing and take the ferry over to neutral bay. as the tourist we are for the time being we took lots of photos of the cut open orange, also known as sydney opera house, and over the cbd and the bridge. so here we go, a little photomarathon. btw, how long do you have to live in a city before you can call yourself anything else than tourist?
on our way home, lou gave in to her cleptomaniac needs and stole flowers from all the gardens on Wycombe Rd, it made a beautiful bouquet which now resides on our dining table.
the palace
so, sad event has occured. sarah has announced that she won't be joining us at the palace. so now we're looking for another lovely girl to come live with us. jonna, lou's friend from sweden who's here to study is here today and is checking the palace out to see if its a match. fingers crossed, we really want her to move in!
today lou received a package from darling sweden, with lots of movies, series and clothes in it! apparently her mom and dad wants her to excercise since they included work-out clothes. (my) mom and dad, its fine if you "forget" to include mine in my packages, just a hint)
as im writing, im baking (my simultaneous capacity is working wonders) kladdkaka is on the menu, mudcake, or how do you say it in english? ours is a bit modified though, its covered with minimarshmallows and chocolate drops. yum. i mean we're walking to school everyday so why not indulge in unhealthy dreamy stuff?
this weekend is going to be a blast - tomorrow some friends are coming over for pizza and beer on the floor, then on saturday its housewarming party at mia and felix place!!! wonderful! when i was younger i kicked ass on the brännboll-field, hopefully im still as good. it probably had to with the fact that i was like 50 cm longer than everyone else when i was a kid and so my legs were much longer and i could ran so much faster than them.
okay, so that was a quick catch up from me. hope you're doing great everyone - my family in france (im not at all jealous) happy 25th wedding anniversary mom and dad, and oh im not going to forget: go team too-ticki!!

today lou received a package from darling sweden, with lots of movies, series and clothes in it! apparently her mom and dad wants her to excercise since they included work-out clothes. (my) mom and dad, its fine if you "forget" to include mine in my packages, just a hint)
as im writing, im baking (my simultaneous capacity is working wonders) kladdkaka is on the menu, mudcake, or how do you say it in english? ours is a bit modified though, its covered with minimarshmallows and chocolate drops. yum. i mean we're walking to school everyday so why not indulge in unhealthy dreamy stuff?
this weekend is going to be a blast - tomorrow some friends are coming over for pizza and beer on the floor, then on saturday its housewarming party at mia and felix place!!! wonderful! when i was younger i kicked ass on the brännboll-field, hopefully im still as good. it probably had to with the fact that i was like 50 cm longer than everyone else when i was a kid and so my legs were much longer and i could ran so much faster than them.
okay, so that was a quick catch up from me. hope you're doing great everyone - my family in france (im not at all jealous) happy 25th wedding anniversary mom and dad, and oh im not going to forget: go team too-ticki!!
btw. nicole dropped the toothbrush on the floor this morning... while brushing her teeth. impossible some might think, but no no no not if your name is nicole liedberg.
sending love to nicole for making my day.
love from lou
hey the world aka parents and friends.
just got back from school. a day full of information. we got a tour of the campus and north sydney. we got our email accounts, had lunch (the awesome wok, the one we mentioned before). ooh btw australia has improved since i was here last time. you can now find a mixed lollies section in some of the stores. i think anna, nicole and i could have something to do with that... as we are awesome. sooo we treated ourselves some as dessert. another exiting thing that happen today was that we got our art kitts. it was like christmas. very exiting. not as exiting to carry it home though but after a lot of complaining we managed to transport it the whole way.
it should be mentioned that we didn't take a shortcut home, went to the real estates office as well as the post office to pick up some more stuff. an account number and our internet (a huge box-thingie). as i write MAN-tonio is fixing the internet so now we are available on skype 24/7 (pretty much).
well got to run! we're going to the discount store to buy some essentials. oh yeah we got cockroaches again/still, so we need to buy a spray that actually keep them away as well as kill them!
fred ut.
/ loulou de la falaise
first day
today was enrolment day. we were ready to meet our class, see the school and so on. but no. all we did was go up and down the stairs ten times, filled in some papers and that was it. we did get our school passes though. lovely photos were taken let me tell you. and we did get some lollies, fantales to be exact. then we went to crows nest to have a look at the trio's new place. it is very pretty. nothing beats the palace though. then the original trio (me, lou lou de la falaise and antonio) went to see a movie. we saw the hangover. hilarious, if you havent seen it. see it.
sarah has vanished from the earth. we cant get hold of her, if you see this sweetie, give us a call! we miss you roomie. we want you to move in now.
tomorrow will be the first night since we got here that we will sleep by ourselves in our beds. when we first got here me and lou shared a bed at sarahs, the we moved in to the palace and team rope moved in as well. now only antonio lives here with us and this is his last night at the palace so tomorrow i will move my bed into my own room and have my very own bed for the first time in about three weeks. yippieyay!
now im going to bed. im so tired. boring i know but what to do. its a day tomorrow as well. ooh, i almost forgot, we bought dresses today. mine is black and nice and louises is balck/flowerish - soo pretty. were going to wear them at a house warming party we're going to on saturday. the day is starting of with brännboll and then party at the house. so looking forward to it.
yours truly,
sarah has vanished from the earth. we cant get hold of her, if you see this sweetie, give us a call! we miss you roomie. we want you to move in now.
tomorrow will be the first night since we got here that we will sleep by ourselves in our beds. when we first got here me and lou shared a bed at sarahs, the we moved in to the palace and team rope moved in as well. now only antonio lives here with us and this is his last night at the palace so tomorrow i will move my bed into my own room and have my very own bed for the first time in about three weeks. yippieyay!
now im going to bed. im so tired. boring i know but what to do. its a day tomorrow as well. ooh, i almost forgot, we bought dresses today. mine is black and nice and louises is balck/flowerish - soo pretty. were going to wear them at a house warming party we're going to on saturday. the day is starting of with brännboll and then party at the house. so looking forward to it.
yours truly,
good girls.
louise and nicole has done it again. just made an awesome pumpkin a long with other vegetables stew/wok. it is quite amazing how someone, who isn't God, can make such good food. we're looking forward to eat this wonderful treat. sooo... now we got food for weeks! parents your should be proud of us, we know we are.
and as if that wasn't enough, we have been doing our laundry as well as organizing the apartment. so now we're at Maisy's with well deserved chai lattes and a raspberry and white chocolate muffin to share.
since our previous night out didn't end very well we have decided to give it another go and head out on the town tonight for some serious partying or at least socially drink some goon at maria and felix's place. we know you can't wait to hear about that.. but you'll just have to wait and see. you never know what the future holds when chocolate and vanilla are out on the town. so sydney beware! peace out.
soup soup soup
sarah's house
three day sum-up
a lot has happened in the last few days, no more dead animals though thank god. oh yeah. sorry that's right, one of the dead possums had babies and some animal has dragged them out..really sad. north sydney city council should clean it up (according to the "can i take you to dinner/wan't to come to the races with me" guy) have a funeral or something for the possum family.
anyhow, yesterday was BIG drama. we decided to go out, first to the Argyle and then to IVY - somewhere along the way someone found antonio extremely charming and decided on putting something in his drink. poor thing. when we got him home he was hallucinating and didn't really know who he was. so we took him to the emergency room at north shore hospital since we were a bit worried. rudest people ever worked there. only one of us were allowed to sit with him, we stayed at the hospital until 6 am.
although, nothing bad without any good - today the trio who's been crashing at the palace got themselves their own apartment - in Crows Nest not far from here! so congratulations to you we got Tim Tam's as a present for being the lovely peeps that we are - the Tim Tam's are now being eaten as lunch. great. we'll have the sugar rush of a lifetime soon. can't wait.
yesterday we went shopping for a whole week. we're doing pretty good. we've made a breakfast/lunch/dinner-list - it's actually only eggs, tuna, cottage cheese and avocado so it wasn't that hard composing it! we also decided on purchasing butternut pumpkins - very economical. we're going to make soup. good luck with that. we had so much to carry so we "borrowed" a trolley from wollies. people seemed to think that was weird. well what were we supposed to do, two teeny-tiny girls can't carry all that heavy stuff by themselves.
now it's raining again. suits us perfectly today. we're going to watch a movie tonight and spend the last night with our little family since they're moving out tomorrow.
btw, Johanna please come down here - we miss you like hell
chocolate and vanilla
anyhow, yesterday was BIG drama. we decided to go out, first to the Argyle and then to IVY - somewhere along the way someone found antonio extremely charming and decided on putting something in his drink. poor thing. when we got him home he was hallucinating and didn't really know who he was. so we took him to the emergency room at north shore hospital since we were a bit worried. rudest people ever worked there. only one of us were allowed to sit with him, we stayed at the hospital until 6 am.
although, nothing bad without any good - today the trio who's been crashing at the palace got themselves their own apartment - in Crows Nest not far from here! so congratulations to you we got Tim Tam's as a present for being the lovely peeps that we are - the Tim Tam's are now being eaten as lunch. great. we'll have the sugar rush of a lifetime soon. can't wait.
yesterday we went shopping for a whole week. we're doing pretty good. we've made a breakfast/lunch/dinner-list - it's actually only eggs, tuna, cottage cheese and avocado so it wasn't that hard composing it! we also decided on purchasing butternut pumpkins - very economical. we're going to make soup. good luck with that. we had so much to carry so we "borrowed" a trolley from wollies. people seemed to think that was weird. well what were we supposed to do, two teeny-tiny girls can't carry all that heavy stuff by themselves.
now it's raining again. suits us perfectly today. we're going to watch a movie tonight and spend the last night with our little family since they're moving out tomorrow.
btw, Johanna please come down here - we miss you like hell
chocolate and vanilla
job hunting.
louise here..
today i've been job hunting for the first time since we got here... i know.. i'm good! handed out 7 resumes.. and all of the places were hiring! so hopefully i will get something within the near future.
what else....
got a netsaving account.
ate a ham and butter sandwich, an apple and a carrot.
took the bus home. and here i am.
well it doesn't get much more interesting than that sooo... i'm off.
cockroach(es) and possum(s)
after the complaints over yesterdays activities we decided to be good neighbours and quietly watch a movie. Our beds came yesterday along with our diningtable so we don't have to sleep on the floor anymore - although, five people in two 92 cm beds could be compared, comfortable-vise, to sleeping on the floor. Anyhow, we saw Im not there, the Bob Dylan movie. as we were lying there half watching/half sleeping, nicole and antonio went into the kitchen to get some film-watching-essentials (water) and from out of nowhere a HUGE cockroach came crawling (READ: SPEEDING) across the kitchen floor - nicole had to be carried out of there due to trauma. Antonio aka MANtonio was the perfect hero when he rescued us from this monster by catching it under a glass.
we thought we were safe after that incidient....but oh how wrong we were! another cockroach made its way through our livingroom (probably it was the first cockroach's dad since it was even BIGGER than the first one) only five minutes later. this time Robin stepped in wearing his superhero cape.
SO, today Louise and Nicole went straight to the store and bought cockroach spray, although they kind of took the wrong one they realized as they were spraying the kitchen and read the label (for the first time, not only looking at the picture) which said "Lures n' Kill" - now while sitting at Maisys we dont really know what to expect on returning home - will there be a cockroach collony or will it be cleared? Since the swaussies are followed by dead animals this day we put our money on the first option. You see, when walking home from the bus, Louise, Nicole and Antonio happily skipped down young st when Louise all of a sudden starts shrieking! there's a dead possum on the side of the road. it looked as though it had just fallen down dead on the ground (this Louise aka CSI Agent Odelberg soon realized was actually true since the possums mouth was wide open and there was a electric wire over him). After another animal related trauma the three went on, only to find another victim withing 5 metres. another possum. dead. this time hanging over a branch in a tree. mouth open. CSI Agent Odelberg drew the conclusion that COD (Cause Of Death) was electrical shock (since the same electrical wire went through that tree as well)
these happenings has got us to wonder, what street are we living on? is it safe for us? Louise plans on a goldfish named Inga is quickly beginning to disappear...
to be continued..
team swaussies
we thought we were safe after that incidient....but oh how wrong we were! another cockroach made its way through our livingroom (probably it was the first cockroach's dad since it was even BIGGER than the first one) only five minutes later. this time Robin stepped in wearing his superhero cape.
SO, today Louise and Nicole went straight to the store and bought cockroach spray, although they kind of took the wrong one they realized as they were spraying the kitchen and read the label (for the first time, not only looking at the picture) which said "Lures n' Kill" - now while sitting at Maisys we dont really know what to expect on returning home - will there be a cockroach collony or will it be cleared? Since the swaussies are followed by dead animals this day we put our money on the first option. You see, when walking home from the bus, Louise, Nicole and Antonio happily skipped down young st when Louise all of a sudden starts shrieking! there's a dead possum on the side of the road. it looked as though it had just fallen down dead on the ground (this Louise aka CSI Agent Odelberg soon realized was actually true since the possums mouth was wide open and there was a electric wire over him). After another animal related trauma the three went on, only to find another victim withing 5 metres. another possum. dead. this time hanging over a branch in a tree. mouth open. CSI Agent Odelberg drew the conclusion that COD (Cause Of Death) was electrical shock (since the same electrical wire went through that tree as well)
these happenings has got us to wonder, what street are we living on? is it safe for us? Louise plans on a goldfish named Inga is quickly beginning to disappear...
to be continued..
team swaussies
moving in

now we've moved into the palace!! we started of yesterday at IKEA picking up all furnitures and stuff! no beds and no diningtable yet though. we slept on the floor last night, comfy oh yes! petra and robin came over last night and we ate pizza and drank wine on the floor - very stylish! we didnt make that much noise but we've already had our first complaint! seriously....but its not surprising since we hear our neighbours TV through the hallway. well well...
today nicole sent her first package to sweden and it goes to.......MARCUS....since its his birthday soon - on the 9th (so you should keep a lookout for mail from SYDNEY)
Louise and I are sitting at a café down the road from our house, Maisys - we just had chai lattes our latest addiction and there's free internet here so its a keeper until we have it installed at the palace! sarah's at home working on her project for school - good girl!
btw our bathroom tap is like the grudge, when you turn the warm water on it comes black water from it...nice...
yours truly,
team young
the eagles has landed on 22/102 young street (the palace) hence the name of the blog. mostly for your convenience but also for ours since we are a bit confused/jetlaged.
so here we are... neutral bay sydney, or actually that's a lie and we're really sprawled all over sarah's bed on guildford rd.
you might wonder what we did today. well, we bought a fridge. a bloody awesome one. it's white. and from whirlpool. and rounded. and the perfect size for 3 poor students. since there will be nothing else but eggs and tuna. maybe some yoghurt if we feel like spoiling ourselves.
tomorrow we're going to IKEA. again. we have a date with luke aka rude/nice-ikea boy, who we almost got fired today. his friend andrew might be on the hot seat too. seriously you shouldn't supply swedish costumers with secret phone numbers if it means you might get fired for doing so.
yours truly
team young
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