Then today, our lovely lecturer from last semester Frankie took both of us aside for a projects she wanted us in on - we're going to design something (we've decided on a zine together I think) to be sold under The Design Kids name on the graduate exhibition later this year. It's only open for 6th semester students, but she wants us and two more - one of the two being Tim - the little boy who's resently stolen my heart - to design something as well. Very exciting!
Then not much else is happening, Louise, Tim and I hung out in Hyde park yesterday for some afternoon sun..ran into Ro and then we had to go rescue Thomas who'd locked himself out on their rooftop. Then we all went for a roadtrip to pick up Tim's van and then drive over to Caro, Toby and Jack's to get a fridge from them. They were given two fridges for free so they didnt really need theyre old one - so they gave it to us since our fridge is tiny for four people. So now we can actually fit all the enormous amounts of veggies and herbs Tim and his mum keeps giving us.
This morning, Tim and I were gonna go to the flower markets at 6am but that didn't happen, instead we planted some veggies and herbs in our backyard - we're now growing capsicum, chili, parsley and basil. yum - hopefully they'll live and grow strong. Tonight Louise and I filmed her title sequence, I filmed mine with Josefin yesterday - you'll might see the results if little blogger allows us to upload the files in the future.
A few days ago my manager and ass. manager made a little cardboard figure off me and Ashlea from work for a meeting they were going to with all teh crabtree & evelyn managers and people from NSW - we look beautiful (I'm to the right in the picture - fringe and all). Louise and I also went venturing to Paddys markets for some veggie shopping and Louise purchased the product of the year - a Dramaten! so pretty.