guess what just sailed through the door chink? a handwritten note from the grumpy old dishrag. (uhm, yea - probably it wasn't dishrug she was called, it was dishrag. honest mistake.) its a Monet painting "Water lillies" on the card and inside it says, with the typically squiggly handwriting people over 70 have,
"Thank you girls for your message, and the biscuits, your acknowledgement is appreciated. regards, Yoycelyn Hancock"
victory is sweet.
but, as im trying to see what she's written (thank god they don't teach kids this type of handwriting anymore when it take ages just to get through a short note). her name is specially difficult to make out, but then i see it. her last name. Hancock. that's the same name as the guy who wrote us the letter of complaint. we've made jokes about that, that she's probably mother to someone on the board. and it seems as though she is! there you have it - its all about connections and contacts!
x x x Nic
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