Guess who just got their dishwasher fixed… yes you are right, the queens of the palace. We might just have to use a lot of cutlery, plates and pots today just so we can use it! Nice nice nice.
We went to manly last night. It was a great night. We just created a new tradition – Sunday sessions in manly starting now. As chocolate said earlier we went to the wharf. It was a great bar, it was huge and there was lots of people. So we had a couple of beers there and then moved on to shoreclub by the beach. We had to stand in line for ages but it was so worth it! The pace got three floors, we got stuck on the second where there was a GREAT band playing. The girls singing was sooo cool and a great singer. It was even a guy playing saxophone. It was awesome, we def need to go there again and again and again. They’re playing there every Sunday!
We also decided that we’re moving to manly (when are lease ends, in 10 months). It doesn’t take longer than 30 min with the bus to school.
So that was a little update from the right side of the room. Now I’m gonna go try the new dishwasher, or at least look at it for a while. Yaaay!
just saying hey.
just so you all know I (louise, vanilla, master pooface, king of the world, queen of the angels etc.) am not dead. i'm just busy making symbols. well i'll be back shortly with lots of blogging energy.
a day in the life
guess how we started of this beautiful sunday?! first, we ate youghurt with blueberries, pear and banana and then, WE WENT RUNNING! maybe not a big deal for most people, but i can honestly say that ive never done it before! i mean i have been running before, not like this though, when im really serious about it! not counting gymclass at school where they made you run for hours! so im very happy with myself, i was out and about for almost an hour, i did run maybe half of that time and power walked the rest! but mind you, the hills around us might seem tiny, but they are steep as mount everest! so im counting on aching muscles tomorrow - marvellous!
now, antonio's making spaghetti bolognese and me and lou are drawing ideas for our symbols which are due tuesday. im doing a symbol for my cause, its about losing artificial food additives in your diet, especially colour additives, so im thinking about making a rainbow coloured skull as a lollipop, or a plate of food shaped as a skull or the globe in rainbow coloured jelly, what do you think? its only rough ideas so far though! then we have another symbols assignment, we are making 20 symbols for a venue which a 1000 people passes by or uses, im making a spa! a japanese one, and my theme for it is inspired by japanese kokeshi dolls. theyre coming out pretty well so far! theyre not due until week 11 though and week 7 is commencing on monday so we do still have time for it.
tonight were going out in manly. wharf bar, by the, surprise, wharf in manly! its a great place and were meeting up with sophie whos living there! itll be a good night i think, ill bring the camera!
now, antonios food smells so good, i think im gonna get me something to eat.
and, oh...antonio got me my favourite movie sent from sweden - so sweet of him! Its, of course, Roy Andersson's "En Kärlekshistoria" so im as happy as can be and im gonna watch it every day.
x x x
now, antonio's making spaghetti bolognese and me and lou are drawing ideas for our symbols which are due tuesday. im doing a symbol for my cause, its about losing artificial food additives in your diet, especially colour additives, so im thinking about making a rainbow coloured skull as a lollipop, or a plate of food shaped as a skull or the globe in rainbow coloured jelly, what do you think? its only rough ideas so far though! then we have another symbols assignment, we are making 20 symbols for a venue which a 1000 people passes by or uses, im making a spa! a japanese one, and my theme for it is inspired by japanese kokeshi dolls. theyre coming out pretty well so far! theyre not due until week 11 though and week 7 is commencing on monday so we do still have time for it.
tonight were going out in manly. wharf bar, by the, surprise, wharf in manly! its a great place and were meeting up with sophie whos living there! itll be a good night i think, ill bring the camera!
now, antonios food smells so good, i think im gonna get me something to eat.
and, oh...antonio got me my favourite movie sent from sweden - so sweet of him! Its, of course, Roy Andersson's "En Kärlekshistoria" so im as happy as can be and im gonna watch it every day.
x x x

so, after yesterdays "we love ourselves" post, today will be a more humble one. right now we just finisihed lunch at school. we had thai. very good! i didnt think i would ever eat again after yesterdays candy + harry potter marathon! but, well, i did eat today! however, i did make an extra effort at pilates this morning!
now were off to class, were having the pitch for our city branding project. i hope itll go well! weve got positive feedback so far so it feels pretty good.
so, wish us luck!
xxx N
we're the best
today has been an exciting day! We started of with going to the Symbols and Distributions lecture. Always a pleasure! Then we did some group work, fixed the rest of the style guides for tomorrows pitch for Studio Practice and our city branding assessment.
then, we where extremely nervous for the rest of the afternoon since we were to get our marks back for our Giants of Typograohy booklets in class. Only ONE student got a HD and over 25% FAILED! so we were a wee bit nervous i say! anyhow, when we got there what happens - well, louise and nicole both gets DISTINCTION, very well done of us! so now were happy! and what made us more happy is that me, nicole, received a package from my parents today!! full of fabolous clothes and awesome candy - dad, i must say - you did it again!! nice touch with the mintolux as well :) very clever! so now, we have a lovely night of swedish gold and harry potter :) LOVELY!!
and, i got my grades from berghs/ECU as well. I'm officially on the Deans Honour Roll of the top 10% highest performing students last semester in my year at ECU :) woop woop im very happy today!
now, dinner awaits. Lou, Antonio and myself are eating chicken and vegetables cooked in the oven! DELICIOUS
then, we where extremely nervous for the rest of the afternoon since we were to get our marks back for our Giants of Typograohy booklets in class. Only ONE student got a HD and over 25% FAILED! so we were a wee bit nervous i say! anyhow, when we got there what happens - well, louise and nicole both gets DISTINCTION, very well done of us! so now were happy! and what made us more happy is that me, nicole, received a package from my parents today!! full of fabolous clothes and awesome candy - dad, i must say - you did it again!! nice touch with the mintolux as well :) very clever! so now, we have a lovely night of swedish gold and harry potter :) LOVELY!!
and, i got my grades from berghs/ECU as well. I'm officially on the Deans Honour Roll of the top 10% highest performing students last semester in my year at ECU :) woop woop im very happy today!
now, dinner awaits. Lou, Antonio and myself are eating chicken and vegetables cooked in the oven! DELICIOUS
wednesday love
i love wednesdays. because on wednesdays we don't have to be in school. no lectures today, yay! and we don't even have that much to do in school right now, it'll pile up soon though so i guess its a good idea to start doing it all now anyway.
anyhow, i do have a group meeting at lunchtime, we're going to pick up our styleguide which is now at the printers. exciting! then we are finishing our pitch and then we are all set to go on friday! im pretty psyched! lulu, our teacher really likes our stuff. she thinks it's perfect! so im pretty confident..
now we're having breakfast. im having semolina (maizena) porridge with soy milk and lingonberry jam - lou's having oatporridge with milk and strawberry jam - yum! and now, we're off to the laundryplace - we need to get our laundry done!
the sun is shining today - wonderful! i don't really get the australian "winter" - it's around 20-25 degrees everyday here. people wear shorts and tshirts! well, i'm not complaining, i love it!
hope all is well! and oh, hope pur packages will arrive soon - they do have some good stuff in them! mine has candy and clothes, shoes and other essentialls and lou's also has candy and clothes and shoes - nice variation :)
x x x
anyhow, i do have a group meeting at lunchtime, we're going to pick up our styleguide which is now at the printers. exciting! then we are finishing our pitch and then we are all set to go on friday! im pretty psyched! lulu, our teacher really likes our stuff. she thinks it's perfect! so im pretty confident..
now we're having breakfast. im having semolina (maizena) porridge with soy milk and lingonberry jam - lou's having oatporridge with milk and strawberry jam - yum! and now, we're off to the laundryplace - we need to get our laundry done!
the sun is shining today - wonderful! i don't really get the australian "winter" - it's around 20-25 degrees everyday here. people wear shorts and tshirts! well, i'm not complaining, i love it!
hope all is well! and oh, hope pur packages will arrive soon - they do have some good stuff in them! mine has candy and clothes, shoes and other essentialls and lou's also has candy and clothes and shoes - nice variation :)
x x x
Princess beach tour 09/3 - Bondi Beach

As its sunday today, and weve started a little tradition with going to the different sydney sunday markets we went to bondi. What a market!! we couldve bought the lot! there were sooo much nice things, clothes, jewellery, bags, shoes - everything! but, being the good girls as we are, we didnt buy a thing! we decided that we didnt need any of it even though we wanted it really, really bad! so we hung around at the markets and looked at all the beautiful things and the beautiful people - weve discovered that all the beautiful people hides in bondi and manly. and paddington and surry hills of course.
in the beginning there were a whole gang of us going, lou, me, sarah, mia, felix, petra, antonio, robin and cj - but in the end it was only me lou and sarah who ended up going. everyone else had to study, but since lou and i have been so extremely productive we had the day off!
on the way home, we stopped at westfield in bondi junction, had cupcakes, yum, and bought sourdough rye bread. finally some real bread!!! i cant wait!
now im really tired, sarah came over at 3 am this morning after a night out and we shared my 90 cm bed (not to be recommended for every night) so i need a good nights sleep tonight!
x x x
Princess beach tour 09/2 - Dee Why Beach
as nicole said we have been very productive today.... parents you should be proud and friends you should be envious. :P well, we didn't go to Warringublablabla (can't remember the name) mall (Warringah Mall - nicoles note), instead we treated ourselves a trip to Dee Why beach, yes that is the place with the best hamburgers in the world. super tasty - they make their own bread and make the meat hamburger thingies on their own with minced lovely meat. ooh and we also tried a smoothie with.. hmm.. fiji berries? (acai - nicoles note), guess i can't remember that name either, probably cause i've been so good today, my brain needs some chocolate that's for sure.
anyway. here's some pictures from todays little adventure. enjoy:

anyway. here's some pictures from todays little adventure. enjoy:

this has been the longest day, and still its only 1.36. it might have to do with that we got our bathroom painted today. and the painter came over at 7.30..he was a weirdo, did a good job though, our bathroom is now white and the paint will keep away mould, since aussies seems to think what a great idea to build a bathroom, in this humid city, without anything even remotely similar to a fan, yay! when the first layer of paint was drying, the painter went and bought us cappuccinos even though we said no thank you and i even said i was lactose intolerant (not that i am though, but i tried to get out of it) that was replied to with a "come on, don't be so shy" - although, you should never complain when someone wants to buy you cappucinos! but at the time, and due to the weird guy, we definitely. maybe. didnt want any capps!
anyhow, now only half the day has gone by and weve done so much already! ive finished my poster for studio practice, as well as the whole portfolio. and ive done some drafts for a logo and applications for a set of bags. productive! we should always get up this early, then you actually have time to do things other than schoolwork! i do recommend it! (especially to antonio, who apparently just woke up)
yesterday was a quiet night in, me lou and antonio - the original trio - watched into the wild i hadnt seen it before and it was so good! one more thing i recommend! and the soundtrack is amazing - download it now! Eddie Vedder has made the whole thing.
tomorrow, since its sunday, and weve started a very nice tradition, were going to the markets. bondi it is this time, im sure ive said this hundreds of times before, but anyway. were having breakfast at the italian's and then coffee at gusto, i cant drink coffee though. but ill drink tea or something. or a nice smoothie..oh no, its milk in that too. this sucks.
i dont know what were doing tonight, i think weve decided on a quiet weekend, at least me and lou. now weve decided that were totally worthy of a break, so were going to Warringah Mall haha - no one gets this joke besides marcus :) (i hope youre laughing) (and reading)
so, now were off to this magical place!
love nic
anyhow, now only half the day has gone by and weve done so much already! ive finished my poster for studio practice, as well as the whole portfolio. and ive done some drafts for a logo and applications for a set of bags. productive! we should always get up this early, then you actually have time to do things other than schoolwork! i do recommend it! (especially to antonio, who apparently just woke up)
yesterday was a quiet night in, me lou and antonio - the original trio - watched into the wild i hadnt seen it before and it was so good! one more thing i recommend! and the soundtrack is amazing - download it now! Eddie Vedder has made the whole thing.
tomorrow, since its sunday, and weve started a very nice tradition, were going to the markets. bondi it is this time, im sure ive said this hundreds of times before, but anyway. were having breakfast at the italian's and then coffee at gusto, i cant drink coffee though. but ill drink tea or something. or a nice smoothie..oh no, its milk in that too. this sucks.
i dont know what were doing tonight, i think weve decided on a quiet weekend, at least me and lou. now weve decided that were totally worthy of a break, so were going to Warringah Mall haha - no one gets this joke besides marcus :) (i hope youre laughing) (and reading)
so, now were off to this magical place!
love nic
Princess beach tour 09/1 - Manly Beach

As Lou told you all about, we went to manly this weekend. to the markets. I love manly, but a lot had changed since i lived there. the best lunchplace on the corner of steyne is gone, as is teh other good lunchplace on the way to the wharf, its now been replaced with an mövenpick icecream bar which i guess its not too bad. although they hace cold rock, new zeeland fresh, royal copenhagen and one more about 20 metres away. competitive neighbourhood for icecream!
anyway, it was a really nice day. only girls for once (sorry guys) and i bought a pair of pink, low, converse for 15 dollars!! crazy. i know im not exactly in the need of new converse but how was i supposed not to buy them? my love goes out to petra who found them and who also had to small feet to wear them :) 39's i love you sometimes!
we went past the house where marcus and i lived, it still looked the same. same smashing colour theme going on - pink, green and red. and the little windmill in the garden still going strong.
now when we begun our weekly market goings were aiming for either bondi, glebe or paddy's market this sunday. i think itll be bondi! oh, then maybe i could catch up with lisa and anja as well. i havent met up with them once since i got here. so bad!
now i need to finish my personal logo. at least i dont have to draw more bees.
We got a inclass assignment last week. Draw 100 pics of a bee… yes you heard me. A bee. Just finished them all! It feels great. So boring. But I can feel my creative side of my brain growing like never before…..
Since it is production week we don’t have any classed today. Jippiyay. So we’re gonna spend the day at home studying and being good girls. Might even go for a run later. (I know we’re too god to be true). I have to do some applications for our city branding project. I’m doing smoothies, candy, flip-flops and t-shirts.
Well, it is breakfast time and porridge is on the menu.
Smell yaaa!
Since it is production week we don’t have any classed today. Jippiyay. So we’re gonna spend the day at home studying and being good girls. Might even go for a run later. (I know we’re too god to be true). I have to do some applications for our city branding project. I’m doing smoothies, candy, flip-flops and t-shirts.
Well, it is breakfast time and porridge is on the menu.
Smell yaaa!
bored out of my mind
its been ages since my last post. ive been busy in school. had two major assignments but they are both now printed and handed in to the teachers. phew! so, on to the next one, we have an assessment called city branding, were promoting a city in the world and an emerging creative industry within that city - my group has Durban in South Africa, and we're promoting the fashion industry. its fun, im bored though because right now i'm writing the report for it. I only need another hundred words, but there's nothing left inside my brain to fill it up with.
today is robins birthday btw, lou and I bought him a pretty card and a banner in pink, green and silver that said "Happy 21st Birthday" which he had across his body like miss universe, we got everyone masks as well, animal masks, i were a butterfly, lou a giraffe. very pretty indeed. petra had made a delicious raspberry cake which we ate in the sun in the park next to school. apparently were moving into spring now, its nearly 20-25 degrees everyday. lovely. its cold in the evenings though - im gonna freeze to death when im going home soon.
lou's been a very good girl today, applying for several jobs. i've sent crabtree and evelyn an email asking them about work as well.
now i have to finish my report so i can go home to lou and have dinner!
oh, and i've become lactose intolerant too. yippie yay!
today is robins birthday btw, lou and I bought him a pretty card and a banner in pink, green and silver that said "Happy 21st Birthday" which he had across his body like miss universe, we got everyone masks as well, animal masks, i were a butterfly, lou a giraffe. very pretty indeed. petra had made a delicious raspberry cake which we ate in the sun in the park next to school. apparently were moving into spring now, its nearly 20-25 degrees everyday. lovely. its cold in the evenings though - im gonna freeze to death when im going home soon.
lou's been a very good girl today, applying for several jobs. i've sent crabtree and evelyn an email asking them about work as well.
now i have to finish my report so i can go home to lou and have dinner!
oh, and i've become lactose intolerant too. yippie yay!
sunday update
hello people. so another weekend has past. the time really flies here in sydney. we had the best weekend. friday we watched a movie at matts place - guy ritchie's latest rock n rolla. the beginning and the end was good. (that was all i saw since i fell a sleep after like 15 min.) he has th best view! overlocking the whole harbor, the opera house and everything. so we decided that we're having the new years party at his place. :) fabulous.
saturday was also a lot of fun. nicole and i went into the city for some shopping ( the first time since the first week here). we bought some pretty stuff. nicole bough two really pretty dresses and they were really cheap too. super good. i bought two dresses too. :) been longing for some shopping lately so it was about time. we bought new shampoo and conditioner too. so i'm looking forward to trying it tomorrow! exiting!
so what did they do today? you might wonder. well, we (sarah, nicole, petra and me) went to manly to go to the market and eat ice cream at cold rock (Gods gift to mankind) it's a ice cream place were you can mix your ice cream with lots of candy. i had coconut ice cream with bounty and rasberries. yummy! ooh and we also went to nordic fusion, a store that have a lot of scandinavian design (mostly swedish, cause sweden rule the world) and some swedish food! we bought lingonsylt. :) on the way to the cari bought a pretty little dress, it is red and beautiful!
we got home, did some stuff i dont remember, and then matt and antonio came and we had swedish meatball/late birthday dinner for matt. we even baked our famous chocolate mud cake. möms!
okey, this post turned out to be the longest and the most boring post ever written, but hey thats just the way i express my self.
i know you love me
gossip girl aka vanilla
saturday was also a lot of fun. nicole and i went into the city for some shopping ( the first time since the first week here). we bought some pretty stuff. nicole bough two really pretty dresses and they were really cheap too. super good. i bought two dresses too. :) been longing for some shopping lately so it was about time. we bought new shampoo and conditioner too. so i'm looking forward to trying it tomorrow! exiting!
so what did they do today? you might wonder. well, we (sarah, nicole, petra and me) went to manly to go to the market and eat ice cream at cold rock (Gods gift to mankind) it's a ice cream place were you can mix your ice cream with lots of candy. i had coconut ice cream with bounty and rasberries. yummy! ooh and we also went to nordic fusion, a store that have a lot of scandinavian design (mostly swedish, cause sweden rule the world) and some swedish food! we bought lingonsylt. :) on the way to the cari bought a pretty little dress, it is red and beautiful!
we got home, did some stuff i dont remember, and then matt and antonio came and we had swedish meatball/late birthday dinner for matt. we even baked our famous chocolate mud cake. möms!
okey, this post turned out to be the longest and the most boring post ever written, but hey thats just the way i express my self.
i know you love me
gossip girl aka vanilla
and once again has the weekend flashed by! why does it always go so fast! im not ready for school tomorrow, i want one more day!
this weekend has been a very quiet one for the peeps in the palace. after the extremely stressful day at the printers we got home, had dinner, antonio came over and joined lou, cj and myself and watched a movie. then saturday came, we studied. no we didn't. we tried to, but all we achieved was two lovely paintings each (mine always looks like a 5 year old drew them). then we walked over to crows nest and had dinner at antonio, petra and robins place. we treated ourselves to tim tams and ice cream for dessert.
we've been very good girls lately, beginning every day with 30 minutes of pilates to get ourselves going. its working wonders. i think. i hope.
today we've been better on the studyside, i almost wrote my entire proposal for tuesdays symbols and distributions class. each student has to decide on a cause that we're engaged in and then we are gonna hav ethis campaign all over sydney. ill explain the whole thing later. anyhow, mine is about cutting down on additives in food. (E-ämnen)
then mia and felix came over for a short while, picking up their extremely fashionable, woollies 16 dollar "dramaten" bag. we made plans for next weekend, we're going to bondi for thai at ricepot, which i love. and then we're going out in bondi, don't know where. lou wants to go to bondi beach road hotel - it would be fun, then we could take those photobooth photos! i love those.
now im going to sleep. and this was officially the most boring post ive ever writte. sorry about that, but its not so much happening at the palace right now.
hej då så länge
this weekend has been a very quiet one for the peeps in the palace. after the extremely stressful day at the printers we got home, had dinner, antonio came over and joined lou, cj and myself and watched a movie. then saturday came, we studied. no we didn't. we tried to, but all we achieved was two lovely paintings each (mine always looks like a 5 year old drew them). then we walked over to crows nest and had dinner at antonio, petra and robins place. we treated ourselves to tim tams and ice cream for dessert.
we've been very good girls lately, beginning every day with 30 minutes of pilates to get ourselves going. its working wonders. i think. i hope.
today we've been better on the studyside, i almost wrote my entire proposal for tuesdays symbols and distributions class. each student has to decide on a cause that we're engaged in and then we are gonna hav ethis campaign all over sydney. ill explain the whole thing later. anyhow, mine is about cutting down on additives in food. (E-ämnen)
then mia and felix came over for a short while, picking up their extremely fashionable, woollies 16 dollar "dramaten" bag. we made plans for next weekend, we're going to bondi for thai at ricepot, which i love. and then we're going out in bondi, don't know where. lou wants to go to bondi beach road hotel - it would be fun, then we could take those photobooth photos! i love those.
now im going to sleep. and this was officially the most boring post ive ever writte. sorry about that, but its not so much happening at the palace right now.
hej då så länge
a day full of excitement for your eyes only.
good evening.
just watched pineapple express with the family. very entertaining film i must say. now we're sitting in our lovely kitchen drinking te aka hot water with nothing.
so today was a big day. first of all we went to bed really late last night cause we had to finish our booklets that we have been working on. so that we could print them today... i know we're such good planners. anyway, we got up at 7 to welcome our dishwasher fixer (who didn't get here until 9-10 something), watched him "fix" the dishwasher - that apparently need another part thingy, that has to be ordered, which will take a couple of days.
went to the area around school. bought paper and ribbons. went to the printer where a very nice girl shows us different kinds of lovely papers. we decide on one paper. everything is great, we're all smiling. went to school to find out that the class we were supposed to have (an hour later) was cancelled cause our lecturer couldn't make it there. had a tieredness breakdown. watched glennyboy paint a viking (with a strawberry hat and a swedish flag) on the wall. turned out super nice. good job glenn.
went back to the printer to find out that they manage to do everything the wrong way, and printed our booklets on the wrong paper, with the explanation that they didn't have the one the girl Showed us in stock. anyhow, we managed to get it right in the end and it turned out great. got it cheaper too.
had our studio practice class.
took the bus home (we didn't feel like walking home today cause it was raining!..) got home and made a lovely dinner. called "a mixture of reds" - it's pretty advanced but if you want to try it at home you are very welcome to give it a try. (send us a picture of the result, would love to see it). well here's the recipe:
(for two people)
fry two eggs - sunny side up. (in the frying pan) put some salt and pepper on.
boil some red lentils. when they're nice and soft (but still got that lovely crisp) add some diced tomatoes. add some salt and pepper to get that extra flavor. give it a nice stir and some love, and there you go.
"a mixture of reds". please remember to enjoy this wonderful treat with both your eyes and your taste buds.
lou on the other side of the world.
just watched pineapple express with the family. very entertaining film i must say. now we're sitting in our lovely kitchen drinking te aka hot water with nothing.
so today was a big day. first of all we went to bed really late last night cause we had to finish our booklets that we have been working on. so that we could print them today... i know we're such good planners. anyway, we got up at 7 to welcome our dishwasher fixer (who didn't get here until 9-10 something), watched him "fix" the dishwasher - that apparently need another part thingy, that has to be ordered, which will take a couple of days.
went to the area around school. bought paper and ribbons. went to the printer where a very nice girl shows us different kinds of lovely papers. we decide on one paper. everything is great, we're all smiling. went to school to find out that the class we were supposed to have (an hour later) was cancelled cause our lecturer couldn't make it there. had a tieredness breakdown. watched glennyboy paint a viking (with a strawberry hat and a swedish flag) on the wall. turned out super nice. good job glenn.
went back to the printer to find out that they manage to do everything the wrong way, and printed our booklets on the wrong paper, with the explanation that they didn't have the one the girl Showed us in stock. anyhow, we managed to get it right in the end and it turned out great. got it cheaper too.
had our studio practice class.
took the bus home (we didn't feel like walking home today cause it was raining!..) got home and made a lovely dinner. called "a mixture of reds" - it's pretty advanced but if you want to try it at home you are very welcome to give it a try. (send us a picture of the result, would love to see it). well here's the recipe:
(for two people)
fry two eggs - sunny side up. (in the frying pan) put some salt and pepper on.
boil some red lentils. when they're nice and soft (but still got that lovely crisp) add some diced tomatoes. add some salt and pepper to get that extra flavor. give it a nice stir and some love, and there you go.
"a mixture of reds". please remember to enjoy this wonderful treat with both your eyes and your taste buds.
lou on the other side of the world.
swedish gold
it has arrived. swedish candy. today is a fantastic day. apart from the fact that me and lou forgot today's homework since we have so much else going on at school. our brains are working on top speed. so, candy today was the best surprise. salty liquorice i've missed you soo!!! thank you mom and dad. and i guess a special thanks goes out to my wonderful sister kim, whom i guess i have to thank for picking the perfect candybag? (if it would have been dad it would only be engelsk konfekt, the mints with some kind of hard fudge in them wrapped in red and white paper and other weird sorts, if it were my mom who had chosen it would only be skumbananer and kokosprickar, which i actually do love.) but Kim, youre the best sister on earth!!
oh, and thanks for the clothes and other things too!!
now i have to get back to schoolwork!!
xxx N
one more down

guess who just knocked on the door!? another neighbour, one from straight across the hall, bringing us a bag of weird australian lollies - "Clinkers" are they called. not swedish candy let me tell you - cause we've had that today, Antonio brought us some, he's apparently being healthy so he isn't supposed to eat candy - thank you Emma for sending it - you made our day! (not so sure if she's reading our blog though, but you never know) anyhow, back to the neighbour, he said we haven't made that much noise. now how are we going to interpret that? since he brought us candy, he must like us - but he said "you haven't made that much noise" hmm? this one needs to be thought about...
while eating weird lollies.
so, 3 out of 5 have in some matter told us how lovely we are. woop woop. the princesses of the palace are the best girls in the world. word.
back to homework!
I just read the letter of complaint once more and what do i see? what we though was signed with something Hancock is as a matter of fact signed J. Hancock, J as in Joycelyn!!!! The grumpy old dishrag write the bloody letter herself!!! isnt that a clear case of inappropriate power abuse? sure she's a member of the board but are you allowed to write that note yourself, arent you supposed to get it from the head of the board or something?!
this also kills CIA Liedbergs idea of her being the mother of someone on the board. With this CIA Liedberg withdraws her CIA status and leaves the CIA part to CIA Odelberg who clearly does the job better.
Now, were going to school. Two hours of fabolous Studio Practice - drawing class - awaits.
love you miss you bye
this also kills CIA Liedbergs idea of her being the mother of someone on the board. With this CIA Liedberg withdraws her CIA status and leaves the CIA part to CIA Odelberg who clearly does the job better.
Now, were going to school. Two hours of fabolous Studio Practice - drawing class - awaits.
love you miss you bye
oh btw! i found this lovely pizza place on the internet last night... sounds pretty awesome to me! definitely need to go there sometime.
kladdkaka, tomato sauce and crayfish.
So here we are again. On the floor drawing. This time symbols with geometric shapes. Earlier we made lovely perspective drawings.
Nicole and I have been really good students today, studying all day. We just had one or two breaks, one of which was a kladdkaka break. i must say that this particular kladdkaka was heavenly. We bought mini marshmallows and chocolatechips that we had in the cake. a lovely mix of goodies. We are so creative. Another mix we tried today was the mixture of greek youghurt and raspberry jam, not too bad, I prefer honey though.
well.. the most exiting thing on todays agenda though is our dinner. We went grocery shopping last night and they had a very lovely special at woolworths. 5 tomato sauces for 4 dollars (if I can remember it right, it was cheap anyway…). so we bought the fab sauces and some tuna so that we could eat our (at the moment) favourite dish – pasta with tomato sauce and tuna. Yummy! Sounds pretty dull, but no no no it’s awesome. You should all try it.
While talking about red things.. . I’m very sad that I couldn’t join the annual crayfish party at sofia’s place. So sofia you need to tell me all the details about this years fiesta de animals rojos. to make up for this Nicole and I decided that we’re gonna have a crayfish party of our own. (pictures of the event will probably appear on the blog within the near future.) We noticed that you can buy “Swedish” crayfish at ikea, which means that we can pretend that we’re in swe for a day and eatr as much crayfish as we want (and our weekly budget allows).
yours truly /Vanilla.
Nicole and I have been really good students today, studying all day. We just had one or two breaks, one of which was a kladdkaka break. i must say that this particular kladdkaka was heavenly. We bought mini marshmallows and chocolatechips that we had in the cake. a lovely mix of goodies. We are so creative. Another mix we tried today was the mixture of greek youghurt and raspberry jam, not too bad, I prefer honey though.
well.. the most exiting thing on todays agenda though is our dinner. We went grocery shopping last night and they had a very lovely special at woolworths. 5 tomato sauces for 4 dollars (if I can remember it right, it was cheap anyway…). so we bought the fab sauces and some tuna so that we could eat our (at the moment) favourite dish – pasta with tomato sauce and tuna. Yummy! Sounds pretty dull, but no no no it’s awesome. You should all try it.
While talking about red things.. . I’m very sad that I couldn’t join the annual crayfish party at sofia’s place. So sofia you need to tell me all the details about this years fiesta de animals rojos. to make up for this Nicole and I decided that we’re gonna have a crayfish party of our own. (pictures of the event will probably appear on the blog within the near future.) We noticed that you can buy “Swedish” crayfish at ikea, which means that we can pretend that we’re in swe for a day and eatr as much crayfish as we want (and our weekly budget allows).
yours truly /Vanilla.

guess what just sailed through the door chink? a handwritten note from the grumpy old dishrag. (uhm, yea - probably it wasn't dishrug she was called, it was dishrag. honest mistake.) its a Monet painting "Water lillies" on the card and inside it says, with the typically squiggly handwriting people over 70 have,
"Thank you girls for your message, and the biscuits, your acknowledgement is appreciated. regards, Yoycelyn Hancock"
victory is sweet.
but, as im trying to see what she's written (thank god they don't teach kids this type of handwriting anymore when it take ages just to get through a short note). her name is specially difficult to make out, but then i see it. her last name. Hancock. that's the same name as the guy who wrote us the letter of complaint. we've made jokes about that, that she's probably mother to someone on the board. and it seems as though she is! there you have it - its all about connections and contacts!
x x x Nic
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