today we haven't studied at all. nada. it feels good, a bit weird and kind of stupid since we do have things to do. but sometimes your mind and body simply just says no. so we skipped studying today.
instead we went to bondi, well i stayed behind at bondi junction and westfield (a huge mall where i always get lost) while lou kept going to north bondi to meet up with grandma' anne. actually, she's not louises grandma, in fact she's not a grandma at all. she's just louises real grandmas old co-workers daughter who lives in sydney. i actually thinks she's louise just a couple of years ahead. you see, after graduating high school she went backpacking for a year in australia (like lou) then she went home, came back studied graphic design (like lou) and then she met an aussie guy, got married, had children and here she is nine years later with two kids in bondi. i think that is louise destiny right in front of her. and i think she's thrilled. since we all know, lou never wants to leave australia. im sorry lena and anders but i think your darling daughter will stay here! well, its just a very good reason for you to take loong, relaxing vacations to australia and whats the harm in that!?
well, i strolled around westfield, always amazed when i walked at one direction and al of a sudden i was on the other side of the road (westfield bondi stretches over two huge buildings over two sides of the road - you following?) i got me some organic semolina flour for my brekkie porridge, some goji berries, moleskins and a pair of shoes for my sister. kim, ive already sent them to yo so you should have them by next week.
then on our way home, sarah's brother alex calls and tells us he has a sofa/bed for us which he could drop of at the palace during the afternoon, so now we have a sofa!! we just realized that in the last couple of months, we've been sitting in a sofa 3 or 4 times. so a sofa is luxury! whem we got of the bus lou ran home to meet them while i went to the post office since i had a package from mom waiting for me. so i "slog två flugor i en smäll" and sent kim her shoes at the same time. thank you mom for the package!! im so happy for the converse, i now have 5 pairs here..they make quite a lovely collection, you'll see (i took a photo) and im so happy about the shampoo - my mom has the best shampoo - Izumi.
oh, i almost forgot. today we had indian take away for dinner. its the fourth time ive eaten indian food and i, i am rather amazed, feel good. you see, the other three times ive been food poisioned. so, yay for may!!
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