so...Im going home. home to sweden. home to winter. BUT im coming back. in fact ill be back on january 1st. im guessing ill be the only one on the plane over NYE but hey, maybe theyll upgrade me to business or first class and spoil me with champagne and strawberries all trip over here. i think they will. and im sure there will be some people there i can party with on the plane. AND im arriving back in sydney in the early morning, 6 am, so there's still plenty of time for me to meet up with my sydney family and celebrate 2010. if im not completely dead that is. but i wont be. i might look dead. dead pale that is, since im coming from the winter wonderland of sweden.
to be honest i kind of miss the cold, cuddling up in a blanket with a cup of tea and cosy socks. its weird really, since i havent had summer this year, almost, its about 30 degrees today, but still. i havent been to the beach properly yet. and i wont be going either, since im leaving on wednesday already.
yesterday was a good day. well actually, friday was so good. lou and myself went to see Paolo Nutini at Enmore Theatre, and my god how good he was. or him and his band. Ive never really listened to him, lou has, so i went along with her, but they were soo good live. and he was absolutely adorable, drunk and he had probably been smoking some too since he had a bit of a focusing problem but he was soo good, his voice is amazing. well, so back to yesterday. first we went to bondi for the markets, i bought lou a bday present since im missing out on her big day, 21st and all, on thursday. i bought us matching necklaces in silver, hers got a disc with and N on it and, surprise, mine is the same but with an L on it. very nice. i also bought a gold bracelet from the seventies. its really cool, i love it. its really slim and has "love" written on it. then we went with sarah and her family to the soccer. Sydney FC played against Wellington and they won. it was great fun, ive missed going to the games, although ice hockey is my favourite :)
thats another thing i just realised with me going back home and all. ill be home over hockey season yay!! and i just saw that theres a home game on thursday, dad want to take me?? please, pretty please :)
so today lou is at work. cheeky little thing got two jobs at once. both in the QVB, oh and btw theyve already put up the christmas tree in there..theyre a bit quick i think. its only november, crazy australians. but its as pretty as always :) and im in a christmas mood, as always :) im gonna do some packing today, and then i might go meet some friends. tomorrow im meeting max and fredrika in manly for a goodbye ice cream at cold rocks, theyve never been there. theyre in for a treat :) im gonna have the coconut icecream with bounty and raspberries i think. yum. then in the evening, im cooking dinner at matts house. were having mexican night, with sombreros and moustaches and everything. good fun. thatll be my bday dinner for lou as well so im gonna bake her a cake.
then my plane leaves on wednesday, not until 6 pm though, so i have heaps of time to do nothing. but i think i need to be there around 4 or so, maybe 3.30. so i need to leave here around 3.3,15 depending on me taking the train or a taxi. id love taking a taxi, since otherwise i have to drag my bags up the milelong hill to military rd, then bus to wynyard, train from wynyard to central, train from central to airport. what a hazzle. but could be fun. well see about that.
so, im just saying goodbye for now. ill be back soon though, and i might keep you updated from sweden. with some lovely wintery picks to keep you all entertained.
love n