
white robe sect

Yesterday was the longest day. And the hottest too. 38 degrees, and soo humid. At night it was still around 30. and in sweden its national emergency due to all the snow and cold. Anyway, we went to this martial arts class yesterday with the idea of it being normal kickboxing, but no no, this was something else - real fun though - but grown up people in the white robe thingy they wear in karate. There was a lot of air punching going on and they all said someting that sounded like "Ouz" all the time and bowing to the left and right. We were more than a little confused. but it was great fun, and such a workout. well, I don't think we're staying at that place but we're continuing our search for a proper kickboxing place.

In the evening we went to Darling Harbour and met up with Carina, Marcus's mother, who's here with work for two weeks. It was really nice to see her, its been quite a while since I saw here actually! Then on the way home I noticed that Iku Wholefood in Neutral Bay are looking for people, so I emailed them asking about what kind of position it is. Fingers crossed that it's a casual position!

Today we're going to Balmoral, then tonight we're having picknick with the syd fam + the new girl from Berghs who's gonna go to Billy Blue now, and we're gonna play football in the park or on the beach. maybe at Tamarama or in our park, st leonards oval or whatever its called!


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