I can't wait til we move into our own little house. I really want to start decorating, moving in to my own little haven with photos on the walls and little bits and pieces from my life everywhere. I kept these sheets of paper, from a3, 300 gsm, recycled from when i was trimming a booklet for uni the other weel, and I think they're gonna work as photoframes. they all have this really nice bleed from the images. It's gonna look so nice. Then we decided to get pets. Fish. Josie already got one, Chilli, but we should all have one each I'd say. I'd rather have a cat or a pup, but that seems like taking it a bit too far. babysteps.
One other thing we need to have though, is bicycles. I want a white one, Lou wants a red or yellow one I think. Josie wants one, don't know which colour. Maybe blue, light blue, or light green. light pastells. she loves light, bleached pastells. I really would like the one I have in Sweden to move down here, its pretty in red with white flowers all over it. I painted it myself when I was 15. Just after I got a vespa for my birthday, my parents must have thought I was mad.
Soon, I'm going to uni, I need to prepare a presentation for our group work. Since Lou Matt and I are not here on tuesday, when the pres is supposed to be held, but in Melbourne we're making it for the others in the group to present. I already have the frameworks for it from the last one we made. And it's the same studio this time, so I can just use those templates. Wee woo. It'll be over before it started.
It's nice and warm here again. If this is fall or winter, then I don't know what to say. It's supposed to be 26 and sunny today, 28 tomorrow. well, Im not complaining - I heard it started snowing in sweden again last week. buhu, I'm never going back.
well, that was all from me this morning. You can probably expect a weekend update on sunday, until then we're fully busy.
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