
sunshine day

ook, here it comes, the long waited for blog post. HOW exciting!
so the reason for our lack of posting is Billy Blue. He is just so selfish he just wants all the attention. BUt good news everybody after the week to come (w 6) we will have a little bit more time for stuff not related to that little silly boy.

ok so today i've been in rouse hill... where is that you might wonder.. well, I have no idea, or it might be mayeb south west of sydney kind of.. about an hour and a half with bus!! yes an hour and a HAlf. what did i do that far away?? well, my group and i was shooting our little film. just looked at the footage.. it might turn out fantastic OR the total opposite. time just have to tell, but we've done the first shoot now and so we can get some feedback and get back there again. today has been Lovely, 25 C and sunshine all day! a lovely lovely lovely day to spend in a shed on the country side with a dog and a kitten.

back to study.

xxxxx <3

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