now im back in gothenburg but all I want to do is to leave right away and catch the next train back to stockholm! especially now when Mia and Felix are gonna be back next weekend, maybe I should just sneak out and leave. I do have an apartment waiting for me there so why not? maybe I should check the train/flight tickets....
ANYHOW, ive had an amazing time in the lovely capital, hanging out with Johanna most of the time but also meeting up with other friends which I havent seen since last summer (swedish summer that is) and whom ive missed heaps!! One very very good thing is that I might get them all to, at least, visit me in Sydney soon - im sooo happy!
So, my first night back in Sthlm I spent watching ice hockey and eating dinner with Marcus. It was so nice to see him again, its been ages, as with everyone back home I guess. Living on the other side of the world certainly has its perks but also its inconveniences. The next day I had breakfast coffee in the city and then Johanna and I went to Berghs, met Clas for lunch and also one of the girls whos coming to Sydney and Billy Blue in march, Malin, she seems really nice and funny. Very much like me and Johanna, which is a good thing because it means shes like Louise as well :)
Then we strolled the city streets, I bought a new watch and a cotton tote, very interesting. I fell in love with Urban Outfitters as always, I always fall in love with that store and then i forget about it until Im back, falling in love all over again. well well, then we watched the Idol finale and forgot all about the time so we went out way to late, but still. The next day was spent on Söder, secondhand shopping, we bought matching leggings Johanna and I. Then we went over to the best part of Stockholm, apart from Söder, Birkastan and the best street in the city, Rörstrandsgatan. We met up with my friends Lotta and Louise who might be visiting in Sydney next year! It would be GREAT if it could work out!! In the evening we went to Marie Laveau, which I love, and drank too much and watched Rebecca & Fiona DJ along with Adrian Lux - so great night all in all.
The next day was St Lucia (dont think that means much to you aussies, but anyway) and that also happens to be Johannas birthday!! So we walked down to the city and did some shopping, I got a great keyring, its the same as Lous "Bajs" one, but mine says "Helvete", very nice! and then I treated Johanna to some drooling and a movie, of course the drooling refers to Robert Pattinson, the most gorgeous man on earth. Oh, we saw New Moon, if anyone didnt get that. Then we walked in the freezing cold to Saturnus, my favourite coffee place in the world. Then Johanna went back home to Nypan and I was left by myself :( but i walked home and had dinner with Marcus and was not alone anymore :)
Monday was my christmas-shopping-day. Im now done, almost anyway, I bought two present for my sister (one from me and one from mom/dad) I bought a little something to Lou, the best girl in the world, and then I had to get me my own present from my nannas, so I have to act surprised when I open it (its a pair of sunnies from Persol btw, my mom and I now have the same ones..) Then I went to check out Marcus new apartment on Linnégatan/Grev Turegatan, looking really good, although it was covered in dust and stuff since theyre painting and renovating the place. Im sure he and Max will love it there. Happy brothers.
And then tuesday came..way to quick as always..and I had to leave a snowy Sthlm for a (as always) rainy Gothenburg. SO SAD. but it had to be done, so now Im sitting here in the kitchen again, feeling a bit sick, my throat is a bit sore..So annoying, I dont want to get sick now.
And btw, ive dyed my hair brown again. So, now noone can say that Im blonde, hah!
miss you all, but Im back in a fortnight :)
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