
vanilla milkshake

time goes fast in sydney. i just realised that i have to tell my work about my little "break" i need to have from it, since my parents and brother are coming to visit soon... the card shop manager wasn't to excited about my other job and when i told her that i couldn't work certain days in december she gave me a little angry speech. i find it hard to see her taking my other news with a smile. well, what can you do...

anyway. has been happening quite a lot here lately. Cj moved out yesterday and MArcus moved in. :) however, Cj still got heaps of stuff here though but he's coming to get them tonight.. hopefullt not to late.

yesterday i went out for a bit. Josefin took me to this 'white party' which was fun, free drinks which was a plus. after that we went to lounge bar. haven't been there before so that was exciting. didn't stay for long though since i had to walk to wynyard and i didn't wanna risk missing the bus.. so i got home at 11.. i know impressive.

miii god, this was a interesting post. well you can't be perfect all the time. or can you? ...

oh and Josefin and i went to see "where the wild things are" today. it was good.

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