then my darling darling sarah's picking me up at 6 am on friday. antonio said he'd come along, but i'd be surprised if he did - it is pretty early. especially on new years day.
everyone knows i love icehockey, and my team, Frölunda Indians (a little less now when my favourite player nr 12 Karl Fabricius no longer is part of the team, i like Luleå a little bit more no when he's playing for them though). So, last monday my dad and I went to the largest outdoor icehockey game in european history, there were 31.144 people there to watch Frölunda beat Färjestad (the worst, worst, worst team) outdoors and -3 degrees. we won 4-1 and Freddan scored a hattrick. it was amazing. i didnt bring my camera though, but i'll put some up from Frölunda Indians webpage.

see you in sydney darlings
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