So it's time for some self-absorption and just letting you know how awesome we are. We just got our grade back from last weeks presentation. And..well, we got the highest grade out of everyone in our year. our group, the space invaders, i know lame name, matt is to blame - that's a rhyme by the way.
battle of the weather

I don't know what's worse. that little sunny weekend in Sthlm however will be amazing. All pretty people throwing on their sunnies, to little clothes and hudling up along the outdoor cafés trying to get a little sun. A few leather jackets will be on too and come monday every second person will have caught a cold. But it's definitely worth it. now, i've done my pilates and soon i'm off to BB. will get drenched on the way though, hopefully little lou forgot her umbrella this morning. I should probably get one for me too. But what a boring thing to buy.
marry us
Devendra Banhart. the man of my (our) dreams. And Fabrizio Moretti.
Devendra Banhart ~ Baby from Ron Winter on Vimeo.
Devendra Banhart ~ Baby from Ron Winter on Vimeo.
reminiscing pause
I'm sitting in bed studying. Writing a report on the SLSA (surf lifesavers australia) but I'm in the need of a brake. I've gotten quite a bit done actually. But I neede too, we only have the morning for studying tomorrow and then we're off to beach rd. so therefore the whole of today is devoted to studying. All night too. I usually study the best late in the evening so I guess it will be like that today. Might have a couple of dates on skype though. Soon it's easter, first it's pesach though, on monday night. So i need to phone the little family in Sweden in the middle of my night to get some jewish celebration going here in Sydney or i might just go down to Bondi where pesach probably is full on.
Last years easter were so much fun. All us Berghs kids hung out in Humlegården, Johanna and I made veryone eastereggs filled with candy and hid them all over the park. The aussies came in bunny wear and everyone brought heaps of candy and other not very eastery things. This year we have a swedish easter dinner to attend on saturday at Thomas and Emma's place and then on easter sunday, which is when easter i celebrated here, Lou and I are organizing an egg hunt and then the boys are throwing some kind of party I think. Or maybe the party's on saturday too since no one really has the time to go out both days due to work and studies.
Now my break is over, thought I should treat you to some easter photos from last year!

Last years easter were so much fun. All us Berghs kids hung out in Humlegården, Johanna and I made veryone eastereggs filled with candy and hid them all over the park. The aussies came in bunny wear and everyone brought heaps of candy and other not very eastery things. This year we have a swedish easter dinner to attend on saturday at Thomas and Emma's place and then on easter sunday, which is when easter i celebrated here, Lou and I are organizing an egg hunt and then the boys are throwing some kind of party I think. Or maybe the party's on saturday too since no one really has the time to go out both days due to work and studies.
Now my break is over, thought I should treat you to some easter photos from last year!

for the love of breakfast
yesterday was thursday, and a good thursday. today's good friday - not that good friday though. just a random good friday. soon we're leaving BB for taco dinner at the terrace. we were at school til 7 yesterday, worked on our websites with wonderful Mark. We love him, he's such a good teacher and so so nice. he stopped by our table just now, just asking how everything went, how we were doing and just wanted to say he was going home for the weekend but that we should email him if there's any porblems with our sites. you can't say that about most lecturers! well, actually we kind of can, about all our lecturers this semester. it's quite amazing really.
anyhow, after class we skipped (and tripped) down to the terrace, left our laptops and school stuff there and catched the train to chingalings. a really good night all in all. i got to tell the story of my tattoo say 25 times. everyone loves it. one guy even tried to come up with the same idea for him and his siblings, there are six of them. Quite a mission and anyway, i don't want anyone else having the same tattoo as me. For you people who doesn't know what it stands for it's MA - for Matilda (our dog) NI for Nicole - me KI for Kim my sister and MO for Moa our cat = my family. Its a name we've had forever really. I love my tattoo.
i got free food from the indian place next dorr to chingalings and was crowned their favourite customer which is a bit weird since its the first time i ever ate there. but theyre nice and the guy that works there frequents chingalings as often as we do. however, we restricted ourselves to only one night of chingalings per week. starting next week. we have a date on sunday as well. first we're going to beach rd then chingalings with some lovely people.
yesterday we made a little surprise for you. well the raw material for it anyway. the full production will be posted soon. this morning we went down to Kawa for breakfast (it's part of some research we're doing for college) almost died in the heat, (it's over 30 again). we shared organic granola with soy milk for me, yoghurt for Lou and sourdough toast with j/b and soylatte for me, skim for lou. then came josefin had the tiniest double espresso and e&b toast.
anyhow, after class we skipped (and tripped) down to the terrace, left our laptops and school stuff there and catched the train to chingalings. a really good night all in all. i got to tell the story of my tattoo say 25 times. everyone loves it. one guy even tried to come up with the same idea for him and his siblings, there are six of them. Quite a mission and anyway, i don't want anyone else having the same tattoo as me. For you people who doesn't know what it stands for it's MA - for Matilda (our dog) NI for Nicole - me KI for Kim my sister and MO for Moa our cat = my family. Its a name we've had forever really. I love my tattoo.
i got free food from the indian place next dorr to chingalings and was crowned their favourite customer which is a bit weird since its the first time i ever ate there. but theyre nice and the guy that works there frequents chingalings as often as we do. however, we restricted ourselves to only one night of chingalings per week. starting next week. we have a date on sunday as well. first we're going to beach rd then chingalings with some lovely people.
yesterday we made a little surprise for you. well the raw material for it anyway. the full production will be posted soon. this morning we went down to Kawa for breakfast (it's part of some research we're doing for college) almost died in the heat, (it's over 30 again). we shared organic granola with soy milk for me, yoghurt for Lou and sourdough toast with j/b and soylatte for me, skim for lou. then came josefin had the tiniest double espresso and e&b toast.

happy as a frog on a tap
so everything is going great here in sydney town. college is so much fun at the moment! i'm very excited about the laneway project nic told you about. (and everything else btw) aaaand tomorrow will be a good day, i can already feel the good vibes from it. first school - we're gonna try to get our design for our website working. shall be interesting since i'm crap with everything within the area of web and computers. well, at least our teacher rocks so he'll get us sorted. after school though we're going to chingalings (yet again) but this time we have a secret mission. mihihihihi. OH, and best of all nic and i are making a present for the blog! so stay tuned cause you don't wanna miss this one!
(we had falafel and quinoa salad today for lunch and dinner - it was awesome!)
assessment one - check
one down, like 10-12 to go! but still, one's finished. Had our first presentation for the semester today. It went okay, Frankie - teacher - said she really liked ot. And both she and Pete - teacher two - loves our idea for the next assessment. Today it was all about re-designing a dead space in North Sydney - the Miller St park. It was just a small assignment, only 20% of our grade. but still. And we introduced our major project - the actuall space we're re-designing, which is Arnold Pl in Darlinghurst.
This rundown laneway which we want to transform into a beautiful, artistic alley with perhaps a coffee bar. think in the way of centre place in melbourne. it's gonna be fabolous. and we're also doing a publication on it. I'm so excited. So is Lou. I think the other groupmembers might feel a bit run over by us, but hey, if you don't say anything or come with ideas of your own, you won't be heard and you'll be run over by people who knows what they want. and as everyone knows, us swedes and design, we know what we want.
I want it to be thursday. Thursday means after school drinks. We might avtually not go to Chingalings this week (or we most def will) but we might go to Cricketers first. which is just down the road from our regular spot so it could be nice to go there first. Then we're studying all weekend until it's sunday which means sunday session at Beach Rd and Chingalings.
this is how we spent yesterday in school. creating 3D models out of blue foam. lots of fun

What an amazing life we do have here in sydney. x
This rundown laneway which we want to transform into a beautiful, artistic alley with perhaps a coffee bar. think in the way of centre place in melbourne. it's gonna be fabolous. and we're also doing a publication on it. I'm so excited. So is Lou. I think the other groupmembers might feel a bit run over by us, but hey, if you don't say anything or come with ideas of your own, you won't be heard and you'll be run over by people who knows what they want. and as everyone knows, us swedes and design, we know what we want.
I want it to be thursday. Thursday means after school drinks. We might avtually not go to Chingalings this week (or we most def will) but we might go to Cricketers first. which is just down the road from our regular spot so it could be nice to go there first. Then we're studying all weekend until it's sunday which means sunday session at Beach Rd and Chingalings.
this is how we spent yesterday in school. creating 3D models out of blue foam. lots of fun
What an amazing life we do have here in sydney. x
excuse me while i kiss the sky
everyone around us knows how much we love that little piece of heaven with jimi hendrix quotes on the toilet walls -ching a lings. everyone is a bit annoyed by it. actually i think they're just jealous that we've found the perfect little hang out for us. went there again yesterday after a really slow day consiting of pilates, cleaning, doing laundry and acting housewife all in all. but at 7.30 we steered our sequined embellished shoes (mine at least, lou wore boots) towards the terrace for pre drinks. then we all went out to chings. well, lou me and tae tae did, something happened to the others so they went to art factory instead. then came josefin, thomas, emma and markus. i think chingalings may have won over emma too - so happy!
we hung out there as usual, lou met an old flatmate of hers from coogee - his name was peace. then we stayed after hours even, lou josie and i stayed after they closed and hung out with all them lovely people for a good 2,5 hours or so. then we ended up at some random bday party in the oxford's basement.
good night all in all as always. today i've been finalizing our presentation for tuesday and done some research for two subjects. it's so warm though, 35 degrees today and 27 and rain tomorrow. yuk, that humidity is not gonna be nice.
tonight we're making coconut curry for dinner + lunch tomorrow. exciting.
for your enjoyment, pics of chingalings, so youll know what we're talking about and where we spend most our weekends

we hung out there as usual, lou met an old flatmate of hers from coogee - his name was peace. then we stayed after hours even, lou josie and i stayed after they closed and hung out with all them lovely people for a good 2,5 hours or so. then we ended up at some random bday party in the oxford's basement.
good night all in all as always. today i've been finalizing our presentation for tuesday and done some research for two subjects. it's so warm though, 35 degrees today and 27 and rain tomorrow. yuk, that humidity is not gonna be nice.
tonight we're making coconut curry for dinner + lunch tomorrow. exciting.
for your enjoyment, pics of chingalings, so youll know what we're talking about and where we spend most our weekends

and so it's weekend again. time flies as ususal. already been two weeks at uni. mad. we went out on thursday, hung out a bit at ching a lings. as usual. maybe we need to broaden our vision when it comes to bars we like. we only go to chings. we're going there tonight again. but, when you're in love you can't help yourself. thursday was a lot of fun, we finish at BB at 7 and have friday's off so it's kind of perfect for after school drinks so lou sarah and i went straight. then jos came. then marcus and thomas. followed by sarita and shell. and finally matt and cranley. a nice little group of people.
naturally we were a bit tired come friday morning, but we don't have class on fridays so it was fine. we did however have groupwork, we have a presentation on tuesday. we did well, sat at BB til 5, then went to pub night at the rag. lou and i went home really early, at 6. i studied for a bit, i designed my webpage til 12.30 actually. lou's feeling a bit sick, so she went to bed early, working today. hopefully she'll get better soon the little one.
today i got up, did pilates, some laundry, now i'm sitting in my bed, listening to music and drinking hot water with lemon and ginger and soon i'll start doing some research for a project in school. then i'm gonna read for a bit, i'm reading the great gatsby at the moment, and then we're going out.
hope you're having a good saturday. x
naturally we were a bit tired come friday morning, but we don't have class on fridays so it was fine. we did however have groupwork, we have a presentation on tuesday. we did well, sat at BB til 5, then went to pub night at the rag. lou and i went home really early, at 6. i studied for a bit, i designed my webpage til 12.30 actually. lou's feeling a bit sick, so she went to bed early, working today. hopefully she'll get better soon the little one.
today i got up, did pilates, some laundry, now i'm sitting in my bed, listening to music and drinking hot water with lemon and ginger and soon i'll start doing some research for a project in school. then i'm gonna read for a bit, i'm reading the great gatsby at the moment, and then we're going out.
hope you're having a good saturday. x
a wednesday summary
it feels like i've been doing so many things today. probably because i have. first, i did some laundry, then we went to school had a 2 hour class, then 30 min lunch break, had a fruit salad then another 2 hour class, went to the bank, paid my flight to melbourne, went to art supply sale and bought a scalpell with extra blades for 5 dollars, went to the city with lou, had falafel and couscous salad at sumo salad for dinner, handed out two resumes - one at Seed - a childrens clothing store who were looking for staff, they've just opened and are opening more stores in the city and were really nice, it feels promising, and one to a store on crown st which i really like - they're not hiring but i handed out the resume anyway and the manager called me darling and baby about 6 times in 5 minutes which cannot be that bad, then we went secondhand browsing in surry hills - browsing, not shopping, found the perfect laneway in darlinghurst to re-design for our dead space project, walked through the wonderfulness of surry hills to central, went to glebe to Peer Gallery and Go Font Urself - a type based art exhibition, then we went back to the boringness of the north shore and neutral bay, bought food, made tomorrows lunch, studied for a bit and looked for apartments in surry hills and now it's time for bed.
tuesday morning
Today is my first day back eating after my fasting. 14 days without solid food. It's quite a while actually but it went by so fast and wihtout any hassle so I could probably go on forever. I would eventually die though so I won't do that. We don't have class until 2pm today so I'm slacking abit this morning. Good Lou is already at work. We have a group meeting at 12.15 though so I need to get to school earlier, and knowing myself I'll probably get there by 10.30-11 since I'm bored at home and might as well get some studying done before class. We began designing our websites yesterday, or portfolio site maybe is a better name for it. It's only in photoshop so far, no HTML yet but that won't be that big of a deal I hope. I've managed it so far and since we're not multimedia students but communication design students we get a template to work by he he
We've had a great weekend. I got tattooed. Lou worked a bit. We've been studying. Watched 'Rescuers Down Under' (Bernard & Bianca). Bought a food steamer (Lou tried it with fish and pears yesterday. Looked delicious, all nutritients still there and was done in 7 minutes. Sunday was spent first studying, then I applied for a casual position at Oroton in QVB (fingers crossed everyone) then we went down to Bondi. There was this surfcompetition there, Kelly Slater and Taj Burrow was there, called Surf Sho and in the afternoon a few bands were playing on the beach, amongst them Lou's favourites The Beautiful Girls, and another band called The Sundance Kids from SA they were really good. Live at least, don't know what they sound like in studio.
Next weekend we're going out. It's so boring not going out, but you don't really feel like it when fasting so we haven't been out at all in a couple of weeks. Really really boring. But good. Both for us and our wallets. Yesterday we booked our flights to Melbourne too. I'm so excited!
Now, I'm having breakfast
We've had a great weekend. I got tattooed. Lou worked a bit. We've been studying. Watched 'Rescuers Down Under' (Bernard & Bianca). Bought a food steamer (Lou tried it with fish and pears yesterday. Looked delicious, all nutritients still there and was done in 7 minutes. Sunday was spent first studying, then I applied for a casual position at Oroton in QVB (fingers crossed everyone) then we went down to Bondi. There was this surfcompetition there, Kelly Slater and Taj Burrow was there, called Surf Sho and in the afternoon a few bands were playing on the beach, amongst them Lou's favourites The Beautiful Girls, and another band called The Sundance Kids from SA they were really good. Live at least, don't know what they sound like in studio.
Next weekend we're going out. It's so boring not going out, but you don't really feel like it when fasting so we haven't been out at all in a couple of weeks. Really really boring. But good. Both for us and our wallets. Yesterday we booked our flights to Melbourne too. I'm so excited!
Now, I'm having breakfast
i wish i could do this today
I'd also like to have Jane Birkin and Jacques Doillon as my parents. Theoretically, I love my parent and wouldn't trade them for anything or anyone.
a saturday in north sydney
saturday today, which means no school but work for louise. so today i've been at work serving coffee, breakfast and wine. i like my shifts that i got now, i think i'm gonna work the same times every week, so only mornings... however, i wont get that much tips since people don't tips as much in the morning... well well you can't get everything.
nicole got a tattoo today! it's pretty pretty pretty! :) i couldn't come and hold her hand but she said it didn't hurt at all so she was fine, but she came by work when i finished and we took th ebus home together, and here we are. for some reason i'm super tired. i just woke up from a 30 min power nap.. i did work today, but it was really quite so it doesn't really count.
this is my last day fasting, i think, i haven't really decided yet. today was a good day, i haven't been hungry at all. and yes, mom and dad, i've been drinking juice. bought a new flavor today which was awesome, i't called immune.
Oh! when i walked out of the door this morning i got a warm "welcoming" of a friendly cat. he made his little cat noice (kuuurrrrr) and walked around my legs stroking them, this was quite annoying since i bairly caould walk down the stairs, but he sure was cute! i might steel him if i see him again!
well, that's all for now folks.
see you next time!

this is my new cup (pretty huh?) it's the one i drink juice from. (though you might wanna now)
nicole got a tattoo today! it's pretty pretty pretty! :) i couldn't come and hold her hand but she said it didn't hurt at all so she was fine, but she came by work when i finished and we took th ebus home together, and here we are. for some reason i'm super tired. i just woke up from a 30 min power nap.. i did work today, but it was really quite so it doesn't really count.
this is my last day fasting, i think, i haven't really decided yet. today was a good day, i haven't been hungry at all. and yes, mom and dad, i've been drinking juice. bought a new flavor today which was awesome, i't called immune.
Oh! when i walked out of the door this morning i got a warm "welcoming" of a friendly cat. he made his little cat noice (kuuurrrrr) and walked around my legs stroking them, this was quite annoying since i bairly caould walk down the stairs, but he sure was cute! i might steel him if i see him again!
well, that's all for now folks.
see you next time!

this is my new cup (pretty huh?) it's the one i drink juice from. (though you might wanna now)
reflections of a hungry design student.
another day in school has past... been such a long day since i worked this morning before class. however, the day turned out really good anyway. we had one class (or two classas - same subject - two teachers). can't remember the name of the class at this moment out of pure exhaustion (or the name of any of our other classes for that matter, they're confusing..) but it was really good, even if it was a dreamweaver/flash/website making class. the teachers seems really good! Mark, the teacher who's gonna teach us how to make all this website and coding stuff is is really pedagogical and it's super easy to understand when he explains... or at least the first class of basic basic stuff. well, i'm sure we'll do great. we made a little webpage today in class - mine says: hello and has a picture of a cow - which you can click on to get a larger version (in another tab). nicoles says: hello and has a pic of ballons which can do the same thing :P i'm actually impressed! ok, it wasnät super difficult but since last semesters flash incident I don't really keep hight thoughts about myself in the area of 'anything to do with flash/coding/websites/computers' ... i really want to learn though and i think our little Mark can help us with that..
it's my 5th day of fasting today... it's going pretty well. it's just really boring. I want thai food - chicken stir fry with cashew nuts. sushi, bolognese, chicken meatballs, avocado, banana pizza. well you name it - i want it.
ok i have no idea what i just wrote, but i'm just gonna go ahead and post this stupid post. now: water
lou lou
it's my 5th day of fasting today... it's going pretty well. it's just really boring. I want thai food - chicken stir fry with cashew nuts. sushi, bolognese, chicken meatballs, avocado, banana pizza. well you name it - i want it.
ok i have no idea what i just wrote, but i'm just gonna go ahead and post this stupid post. now: water
lou lou
I believe I'm in the energetic phase of my fasting now since I've been up and running all day. Not feeling tired at all. Just happy. Happy happy happy. I think I annoyed Sarah and Lou a bit with my extremely uplifted mood. Especially Lou who's in the toughest phase when weird muscles starts to ache. Today we had our third subject with two teachers I really like, Lissa and Nathan. I actually like all our lecturers, they're all new for me but they seem so good. Pete and Frankie whom we had yesterday seems great. The wednesday classes though are actual research classes but they've made them really interesting. But we had to buy a book for 50 dollars which is a tad annoying. In Nathan's part of it, which is the more hands on part, we're making our own blog and on that blog (it's on tumblr) we're posting at least 15 posts within a certain topic, both Lou and I got Culture, over the 15 weeks of the semester. Mine's called Kultur and Lou's lets talk about culture.
We've both posted already. So enjoy: and
Oh, I almost forgot. GREAT NEWS!!! We're going to Melbourne and agideas the 26-30th April
We've both posted already. So enjoy: and
Oh, I almost forgot. GREAT NEWS!!! We're going to Melbourne and agideas the 26-30th April
day 2
followed in the same good vibe as the first day back at BB. We had another subject with a scary name Design Research and Ideas Generation which we feared would be painfully boring. BUT nope, it seems a lot of fun. It's all about re-designing dead spaces. Such as the ugly park opposite of school, which is our first project. We're put into groups - Lou, Matt, Kristen, Daniel and myself are in one group (as you might've guessed we could choose our own group so Lou me and Matt are together weehoo). Matt named us Space Invaders - get the name game, SPACE invaders. Since its all about re-designing spaces.
And also, one more thing happened today, something Lou and I really really really want to go to and be part of. AGIdeas. Which is the largest design conference for students in the world. It goes on for three days in Melbourne and BB is putting together a road trip for 50 students to go for all three days. Its a bit expensive for our student budget, but maybe, maybe our wish can come true. Anyway, it costs 590 dollars but it includes return trip to Melbourne, accomodation, lunch every day + of course entrance to the conference for all three days. It seems amazing, all these great designers from across the world comes there to network and talk about the business to all of us students. its quite amazing. I so want to go.
there's only 30 spots left.
And also, one more thing happened today, something Lou and I really really really want to go to and be part of. AGIdeas. Which is the largest design conference for students in the world. It goes on for three days in Melbourne and BB is putting together a road trip for 50 students to go for all three days. Its a bit expensive for our student budget, but maybe, maybe our wish can come true. Anyway, it costs 590 dollars but it includes return trip to Melbourne, accomodation, lunch every day + of course entrance to the conference for all three days. It seems amazing, all these great designers from across the world comes there to network and talk about the business to all of us students. its quite amazing. I so want to go.
there's only 30 spots left.
it's good to be back
first day of school finished! and a good day at that. on mondays we have as said in the previous post, a class called Design Usability and the Community which we all kind of feared because of its pretentious name. What we learned today though, is the meaning of that name = PACKAGING. Woop woop - we have a whole class, four full hours per week devoted to packaging! I couldn't be happier!
We got our briefs, seems like such a fun project too. We've all got randomly chosen objects (I got a razor, Lou got golfballs) which we are supposed to re-package in an unexpecting way, for example I may re-package my razor for Tiffany's & Co. Exciting exciting! our minds are already working on full speed. And the teacher, Paul Devonshire, is so good. Well, so far at least (all he's done really is showing us his portfolio (which is massive btw) and describing and explaining a lot about the packaging business) and outlining the subject and briefs. BUT - he did all with a huge smile and that makes it all so much better. I like him a lot. So does Lou.
This morning I had my mentoring meeting. The other girl who was supposed to be there with me didn't come, she didn't know what time the meeting was, so I stood there up front, by myself speaking to a whole class. They seemed nice, and Michael O'brien the teacher said I did a really good job. Wo hoo for me
After school we went to the terrace, watched Control - so good! it's now one of my favourite movies alongside with Roy Andersson's A Swedish Love Story, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Talented Mr Ripley, Into the Wild ... there is one more I want to put into that list, but I can't remember it. I said it eralier today. Annoying. Anyway, my point is that it was very good. Beautifully shot and such great acting. It was so real. Well, I know its based on actual true events, but it is a movie.
Now, Lou (fasting as well) is reading recepies like literature, hi hi, that's what happens after a couple of days. She survived day 2 and is still going strong. We had wheatgrass shots today, maybe that's why. There's this great juice bar at school that presses their own juices and has all these shots you can add like acai, spirulina, echinacea and so on. and they also make a fresh wheatgrass shot which we had. Lou's comment "Oh, it tastes like grass" the guy who made it goes "well, it is grass"
Then we came back later for carrotjuice and they recongnised us so they wanted to give us a free muffin (they're all organic, lactose free and made with good ingredients, one's made with flaxseed). We politely turned down the offer though, we're fasting. No muffins for us. We bought a magazine with wok recepies to look at instead.
Now, it's time for tea.
We got our briefs, seems like such a fun project too. We've all got randomly chosen objects (I got a razor, Lou got golfballs) which we are supposed to re-package in an unexpecting way, for example I may re-package my razor for Tiffany's & Co. Exciting exciting! our minds are already working on full speed. And the teacher, Paul Devonshire, is so good. Well, so far at least (all he's done really is showing us his portfolio (which is massive btw) and describing and explaining a lot about the packaging business) and outlining the subject and briefs. BUT - he did all with a huge smile and that makes it all so much better. I like him a lot. So does Lou.
This morning I had my mentoring meeting. The other girl who was supposed to be there with me didn't come, she didn't know what time the meeting was, so I stood there up front, by myself speaking to a whole class. They seemed nice, and Michael O'brien the teacher said I did a really good job. Wo hoo for me
After school we went to the terrace, watched Control - so good! it's now one of my favourite movies alongside with Roy Andersson's A Swedish Love Story, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Talented Mr Ripley, Into the Wild ... there is one more I want to put into that list, but I can't remember it. I said it eralier today. Annoying. Anyway, my point is that it was very good. Beautifully shot and such great acting. It was so real. Well, I know its based on actual true events, but it is a movie.
Now, Lou (fasting as well) is reading recepies like literature, hi hi, that's what happens after a couple of days. She survived day 2 and is still going strong. We had wheatgrass shots today, maybe that's why. There's this great juice bar at school that presses their own juices and has all these shots you can add like acai, spirulina, echinacea and so on. and they also make a fresh wheatgrass shot which we had. Lou's comment "Oh, it tastes like grass" the guy who made it goes "well, it is grass"
Then we came back later for carrotjuice and they recongnised us so they wanted to give us a free muffin (they're all organic, lactose free and made with good ingredients, one's made with flaxseed). We politely turned down the offer though, we're fasting. No muffins for us. We bought a magazine with wok recepies to look at instead.
Now, it's time for tea.
(129) days of summer
is now to an end. Tomorrow we'll be back att BB. Both of us signed up to be mentors for the new kids so I have my first meeting with them tomorrow morning at 10 before our first class begins at 10.30 - Design Usability and the Community...I think it can be interesting. It could also be dead boring.
As the last day of summer should be its bright and sunny, 26 degrees at 10am and we're off to what is probably our last visit to Balmoral in a while. Or forever since we're moving from the north shore to the eastern subs in June. wooah, I can't wait!
Yesterday I went to Thomas and Emma's new place on Oxford St, its suuuuch a nice apartment!! I'd die for it. It's 10 metres from Pocket. and 30 from Chingalings. And and and, well close to everything I like. Except school. But you just walk to town hall or wherever in the morning and get on the train and before you know it, you're at school!
I want to move now. Now, I'm off to the beach!

(this is actually St Kilda in Melbourne, not Balmoral...)
As the last day of summer should be its bright and sunny, 26 degrees at 10am and we're off to what is probably our last visit to Balmoral in a while. Or forever since we're moving from the north shore to the eastern subs in June. wooah, I can't wait!
Yesterday I went to Thomas and Emma's new place on Oxford St, its suuuuch a nice apartment!! I'd die for it. It's 10 metres from Pocket. and 30 from Chingalings. And and and, well close to everything I like. Except school. But you just walk to town hall or wherever in the morning and get on the train and before you know it, you're at school!
I want to move now. Now, I'm off to the beach!
(this is actually St Kilda in Melbourne, not Balmoral...)
it's a new day
and I just heard that Lou's dad got a new toy - in swedish known as snöslunga - snow blower in english maybe. that kind of gives you the idea of the massive amount of snow Lou, myself and the other swedes here has escaped from. Good on us. Instead I'm drinking tea on our sunny balcony. 25 degrees so far. apparently its gonna rain today though, which would be very inconvenient, bevause their showing Breakfast at Tiffanys - mine and every girls fav film - on moonlight cinema tonight in centennial park. Rain would kind of be devastating. Well, if its raining I'm going to Sarah's house to watch movies. I feel like having a proper girls night and watch girly girly things like New Moon. And maybe A Swedish Love Story, just because that is my fav movie.
I'd like to see Perfume as well, I'm reading the book now and I'm almost finsihed. I'm amazed. It's such a complex story and I can't believe how someone can come up with it. Patrick Süskind must have the most fascinating mind. And the language, the way he writes. All I can say that he beats the hell out of new authors like Stephenie Meyer (the twilight author) who writes like a 10 year old.
Last night we were introduced to the novel game of "Redskaps pinn" - what a fine game! Lou, Mia, Felix, Marcus, Thomas, myself and Felix's brother with girlfriend who's here visiting played in Forsyth Park all night. A lot of fun. next week we're up against the team from Millers Point. Go Neutral Bay Redskaps pinn team!

I'd like to see Perfume as well, I'm reading the book now and I'm almost finsihed. I'm amazed. It's such a complex story and I can't believe how someone can come up with it. Patrick Süskind must have the most fascinating mind. And the language, the way he writes. All I can say that he beats the hell out of new authors like Stephenie Meyer (the twilight author) who writes like a 10 year old.
Last night we were introduced to the novel game of "Redskaps pinn" - what a fine game! Lou, Mia, Felix, Marcus, Thomas, myself and Felix's brother with girlfriend who's here visiting played in Forsyth Park all night. A lot of fun. next week we're up against the team from Millers Point. Go Neutral Bay Redskaps pinn team!
it all comes to an end
summer holidays does at least. Only a few days left until we're back at BB. Monday. Not until 10.30 though which is nice. Our timetable is pretty good actually, not as bad as I thought when I first saw it. But after careful consideration its not too bad actually.
I'm fasting again, I've decided to do it three times a year, every 4 months. So, I did it in November, now in March and next time will be when we have winter holidays in July. I feel so good afterwards, now I'm on day three though, which is the worst one because your body starts to ache. Apparently its your old ailments that are givin you their last life sign or something. Then they're gone. I think Lou might have a go at it too.
Since my body's aching I can't sleep. I've been up since 6.30 today, did some laundry, watched 500 Days of Summer which is one of my favourite movies. And the soundtrack - gah!
Yesterday was a busy day. Especially for me who's pretty tired from fasting and doesn't have much energy now in the early days. The excessive energy will come in a couple of days though! around day 5-6 i think it is. We first went to the gym, not excercising though, but to talk to them about joining their boxing class. It seems nice, close to both home and school and only 60 dollar per month for 3 times per week. Mom, dad, feel like sponsoring? It is excercise :) anyway, after that we went to MCA and looked at the Olafur Eliasson exhibition Take your Time. So cool. I really liked it, I thought it would be a bit bigger though. But well, its pretty amazing.
Then we went in to the city, got some stuff for school - moleskins and pens - had lunch (well Lou did, I had green tea) and then Lou had to go to a staff meeting that lasted a full half an hour. So I met up with Josefin, went to look for a laptop case for her new baby and then Lou came back into town and we just hung out all day. Good day all in all but now I'm quite exhausted.
Anyhow, my doppelganger's made a collection trailer for Lover the label, and we look alike. It's so strange. But the film is quite beautiful. Check it out here
I'm fasting again, I've decided to do it three times a year, every 4 months. So, I did it in November, now in March and next time will be when we have winter holidays in July. I feel so good afterwards, now I'm on day three though, which is the worst one because your body starts to ache. Apparently its your old ailments that are givin you their last life sign or something. Then they're gone. I think Lou might have a go at it too.
Since my body's aching I can't sleep. I've been up since 6.30 today, did some laundry, watched 500 Days of Summer which is one of my favourite movies. And the soundtrack - gah!
Yesterday was a busy day. Especially for me who's pretty tired from fasting and doesn't have much energy now in the early days. The excessive energy will come in a couple of days though! around day 5-6 i think it is. We first went to the gym, not excercising though, but to talk to them about joining their boxing class. It seems nice, close to both home and school and only 60 dollar per month for 3 times per week. Mom, dad, feel like sponsoring? It is excercise :) anyway, after that we went to MCA and looked at the Olafur Eliasson exhibition Take your Time. So cool. I really liked it, I thought it would be a bit bigger though. But well, its pretty amazing.
Then we went in to the city, got some stuff for school - moleskins and pens - had lunch (well Lou did, I had green tea) and then Lou had to go to a staff meeting that lasted a full half an hour. So I met up with Josefin, went to look for a laptop case for her new baby and then Lou came back into town and we just hung out all day. Good day all in all but now I'm quite exhausted.
Anyhow, my doppelganger's made a collection trailer for Lover the label, and we look alike. It's so strange. But the film is quite beautiful. Check it out here
mardi gras
hey Louise is back. don't have any valid excuses for my poor blogging ..just laziness. so:
this weekend has been a lot of fun. mardi gras. oxford st was packed as the rest of town. so much people it took us way to long to walk to chingalings from town hall. didn't see much of the parade though since they had massive fence thingies all over the "parade area".. they did sell lame plastic stools for 10 dollars!! we didn't buy any, instead we went to the best bar in the world. chingalings. we did however have to pay(!) to get in since they in mardi gras honor had a list. we got in anyway but still had to pay the 20 dollars... lame. well it was worth it. we made some new friends and later we met up with josefin and nick. had some pasta at taylor square, very good pasta i might add.
yesterday morning was not as fun as the night before. i had to sleep my headache off while the rest of the family went into the city for a while. The afternoon was awesome though... i later met up with them for some serious movie watching at antonios cinema. we payed for one movie, the hurt locker, and then we snuck in to The Blindsided and Valentines day. a very good and long day.
so that's a little update from my side of the room.
love love love
this weekend has been a lot of fun. mardi gras. oxford st was packed as the rest of town. so much people it took us way to long to walk to chingalings from town hall. didn't see much of the parade though since they had massive fence thingies all over the "parade area".. they did sell lame plastic stools for 10 dollars!! we didn't buy any, instead we went to the best bar in the world. chingalings. we did however have to pay(!) to get in since they in mardi gras honor had a list. we got in anyway but still had to pay the 20 dollars... lame. well it was worth it. we made some new friends and later we met up with josefin and nick. had some pasta at taylor square, very good pasta i might add.
yesterday morning was not as fun as the night before. i had to sleep my headache off while the rest of the family went into the city for a while. The afternoon was awesome though... i later met up with them for some serious movie watching at antonios cinema. we payed for one movie, the hurt locker, and then we snuck in to The Blindsided and Valentines day. a very good and long day.
so that's a little update from my side of the room.
love love love
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