nicole got a tattoo today! it's pretty pretty pretty! :) i couldn't come and hold her hand but she said it didn't hurt at all so she was fine, but she came by work when i finished and we took th ebus home together, and here we are. for some reason i'm super tired. i just woke up from a 30 min power nap.. i did work today, but it was really quite so it doesn't really count.
this is my last day fasting, i think, i haven't really decided yet. today was a good day, i haven't been hungry at all. and yes, mom and dad, i've been drinking juice. bought a new flavor today which was awesome, i't called immune.
Oh! when i walked out of the door this morning i got a warm "welcoming" of a friendly cat. he made his little cat noice (kuuurrrrr) and walked around my legs stroking them, this was quite annoying since i bairly caould walk down the stairs, but he sure was cute! i might steel him if i see him again!
well, that's all for now folks.
see you next time!

this is my new cup (pretty huh?) it's the one i drink juice from. (though you might wanna now)
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