
for the love of breakfast

yesterday was thursday, and a good thursday. today's good friday - not that good friday though. just a random good friday. soon we're leaving BB for taco dinner at the terrace. we were at school til 7 yesterday, worked on our websites with wonderful Mark. We love him, he's such a good teacher and so so nice. he stopped by our table just now, just asking how everything went, how we were doing and just wanted to say he was going home for the weekend but that we should email him if there's any porblems with our sites. you can't say that about most lecturers! well, actually we kind of can, about all our lecturers this semester. it's quite amazing really. 

anyhow, after class we skipped (and tripped) down to the terrace, left our laptops and school stuff there and catched the train to chingalings. a really good night all in all. i got to tell the story of my tattoo say 25 times. everyone loves it. one guy even tried to come up with the same idea for him and his siblings, there are six of them. Quite a mission and anyway, i don't want anyone else having the same tattoo as me. For you people who doesn't know what it stands for it's MA - for Matilda (our dog) NI for Nicole - me KI for Kim my sister and MO for Moa our cat = my family. Its a name we've had forever really. I love my tattoo.

i got free food from the indian place next dorr to chingalings and was crowned their favourite customer which is a bit weird since its the first time i ever ate there. but theyre nice and the guy that works there frequents chingalings as often as we do. however, we restricted ourselves to only one night of chingalings per week. starting next week. we have a date on sunday as well. first we're going to beach rd then chingalings with some lovely people.

yesterday we made a little surprise for you. well the raw material for it anyway. the full production will be posted soon. this morning we went down to Kawa for breakfast (it's part of some research we're doing for college) almost died in the heat, (it's over 30 again). we shared organic granola with soy milk for me, yoghurt for Lou and sourdough toast with j/b and soylatte for me, skim for lou. then came josefin had the tiniest double espresso and e&b toast.

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