everyone around us knows how much we love that little piece of heaven with jimi hendrix quotes on the toilet walls -ching a lings. everyone is a bit annoyed by it. actually i think they're just jealous that we've found the perfect little hang out for us. went there again yesterday after a really slow day consiting of pilates, cleaning, doing laundry and acting housewife all in all. but at 7.30 we steered our sequined embellished shoes (mine at least, lou wore boots) towards the terrace for pre drinks. then we all went out to chings. well, lou me and tae tae did, something happened to the others so they went to art factory instead. then came josefin, thomas, emma and markus. i think chingalings may have won over emma too - so happy!
we hung out there as usual, lou met an old flatmate of hers from coogee - his name was peace. then we stayed after hours even, lou josie and i stayed after they closed and hung out with all them lovely people for a good 2,5 hours or so. then we ended up at some random bday party in the oxford's basement.
good night all in all as always. today i've been finalizing our presentation for tuesday and done some research for two subjects. it's so warm though, 35 degrees today and 27 and rain tomorrow. yuk, that humidity is not gonna be nice.
tonight we're making coconut curry for dinner + lunch tomorrow. exciting.
for your enjoyment, pics of chingalings, so youll know what we're talking about and where we spend most our weekends

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