and I just heard that Lou's dad got a new toy - in swedish known as snöslunga - snow blower in english maybe. that kind of gives you the idea of the massive amount of snow Lou, myself and the other swedes here has escaped from. Good on us. Instead I'm drinking tea on our sunny balcony. 25 degrees so far. apparently its gonna rain today though, which would be very inconvenient, bevause their showing Breakfast at Tiffanys - mine and every girls fav film - on moonlight cinema tonight in centennial park. Rain would kind of be devastating. Well, if its raining I'm going to Sarah's house to watch movies. I feel like having a proper girls night and watch girly girly things like New Moon. And maybe A Swedish Love Story, just because that is my fav movie.
I'd like to see Perfume as well, I'm reading the book now and I'm almost finsihed. I'm amazed. It's such a complex story and I can't believe how someone can come up with it. Patrick Süskind must have the most fascinating mind. And the language, the way he writes. All I can say that he beats the hell out of new authors like Stephenie Meyer (the twilight author) who writes like a 10 year old.
Last night we were introduced to the novel game of "Redskaps pinn" - what a fine game! Lou, Mia, Felix, Marcus, Thomas, myself and Felix's brother with girlfriend who's here visiting played in Forsyth Park all night. A lot of fun. next week we're up against the team from Millers Point. Go Neutral Bay Redskaps pinn team!

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