as it seems, Louise is not contributing much to the palace on young st. therefore responsibility lies on me to keep it up and running. i don't mind it though, i do love to write.
yesterday Louise and myself went to Newtown for a bit of goingaway-partying for Louise's Airlie-friend Leanne. It was so nice, the house was just off King St and had a very pretty garden with red fairylights and a lime tree. I really hope I get to have a garden wherever I'm moving this winter/summer (July). Then we missed our Sydney family so much that we went to the Terrace for a bit of love and dance. Sarita, Matt, Katie, Ben and Cranley were at home but we didn't recognize Cranley though since he had his hair dyed a black mohawk and wearing tattoo-sleaves and a scary tshirt with skulls and spiders (He'd been to a dress-up earlier).
Louise, me Matt and Cranley sat for hours on C's balcony listening to music. So nice. Then it got late so we spent the night at the Terrace, as we more or less always do, I've slept for about 1,5 hours tonight since both two persons sleeping in the same bed as me (Louise and Cranley) snored the WHOLE NIGHT THROUGH! I eventually went to sleep in the couch downstairs. I woke up way earlier than everybody else, around the time Ben and Katie went to work, and cleaned the kitchen, then I made pancakes for the others. Pink pancakes. Sarita, the little sweetheart, found pink caramell-colouring so we added that, and choc chips. Thank god I'm lactose intolerant so I couldn't eat them. I only made the others do it mohaha!
Then Lou me Matt and Cranley went to Balmoral for some swim and sun. Now we're back home, Louise is in bed, snoring away again. We're having the boys over for dinner tonight. Right now they're in Chatswood getting Rock Band to the Wii. I'm psyched. But only if I can be the drummer. I always wanted to be the drummer in a band.
Oh, Antonio, the little boy with the worst luck in the world, had to pull out his tooth today. He cracked his tooth while eating chips (don't eat chips i keep on telling him, but does he listen? no, and there you have it.) It had been root-filled earlier so I guess it was pretty fragile already and so the big bad hard potato chip killed it. So he had to pull it out today, and get stiches in his gums. ouch.
well, now I have to go! x x
good friday
such a nice day today. i haven't done a thing. bought food, watched a movie, daydreamed. louise thou, the good girl went out to look for a job. the called from toni & guy today, wanting me to come in for a trial on thursday. see, i applied for a job as a part time receptionist there and now im going there to try it out. i hope they like me. and my hair. how awful if they don't like my hair!
tomorrow is going to be good fun too. first we might go to tamarama for a bbq at our new friend Bart's house. we don't know yet but it would be nice. then we have a party in Newtown we have to attend and then we might drop by The Den. so a good saturday is following this good friday! i believe its the crazy four who's going, that'd be me lou sarita and shell. maybe kate'll come along, and petra, maybe sarah too. would be nice!
sarita has soo many fun photos from australia day and from our karaoke session last night. i want them so i can post them for you. you'll get a good laugh out of it i promise.
x nicole
tomorrow is going to be good fun too. first we might go to tamarama for a bbq at our new friend Bart's house. we don't know yet but it would be nice. then we have a party in Newtown we have to attend and then we might drop by The Den. so a good saturday is following this good friday! i believe its the crazy four who's going, that'd be me lou sarita and shell. maybe kate'll come along, and petra, maybe sarah too. would be nice!
sarita has soo many fun photos from australia day and from our karaoke session last night. i want them so i can post them for you. you'll get a good laugh out of it i promise.
x nicole
a thursday at jet
spontaneous nights out are the best, they always will be since you never have any expectations or anything. yesterday we had such a night, a brilliant one. actually the whole day was soo good. it all started of with...
us having coffee with sarita and michelle at jet. we sat there for about an hour, looking at all the pretty waiters that always work there. then michelle went to work while me lou and sarita went to apply for work. when we were all finished with what we had to do we went back to jet for dinner. it ended up with the four of us sitting there til they closed. we had so much fun and one of the pretty waiters still worked so he hung out with us. Bartholomew is his name. such a nice guy, with his hair in a little ponytail. very pretty.
the best part was when Bart wrote me a song, an actual song haha so adorable, since we were talking about everyone having a song for their name, everyone but me. and this on time i googled nicole+song or something like that and the first hit i got was "fuck nicole". so i kind of didn't want to continue my search. so he wrote me one.
Read the words of another imagination,
To soar high in pure elation,
Beyond the threshold of whats real,
A lightness of being you will feel
Sat there four were they,
fascinating things they had to say.
Sharing a passion for a world amazing
In conversation highly engaging
Of Louise, Sarita and Michelle
I have only good to tell
But here's about the fourth soul
This ones written for Nicole
so now i have my own song :) thank you.
then the night went on and we went to korean karaoke on liverpool street.
x nicole
us having coffee with sarita and michelle at jet. we sat there for about an hour, looking at all the pretty waiters that always work there. then michelle went to work while me lou and sarita went to apply for work. when we were all finished with what we had to do we went back to jet for dinner. it ended up with the four of us sitting there til they closed. we had so much fun and one of the pretty waiters still worked so he hung out with us. Bartholomew is his name. such a nice guy, with his hair in a little ponytail. very pretty.
the best part was when Bart wrote me a song, an actual song haha so adorable, since we were talking about everyone having a song for their name, everyone but me. and this on time i googled nicole+song or something like that and the first hit i got was "fuck nicole". so i kind of didn't want to continue my search. so he wrote me one.
Read the words of another imagination,
To soar high in pure elation,
Beyond the threshold of whats real,
A lightness of being you will feel
Sat there four were they,
fascinating things they had to say.
Sharing a passion for a world amazing
In conversation highly engaging
Of Louise, Sarita and Michelle
I have only good to tell
But here's about the fourth soul
This ones written for Nicole
so now i have my own song :) thank you.
then the night went on and we went to korean karaoke on liverpool street.
x nicole
handy men and haircuts
all day it's felt like there's something I'm supposed to be doing. I can't figure out what it is though. Anyway, I've been doing lots of things today. First arrived the washing machine, pretty thing even has a window so you can look at the laundry going round round round. Quite mesmerizing some might think. So I've been doing heaps of laundry. Then came the shelves, which we've now put together and filled with various things, magazines and books.
I got my hair cut at Toni & Guy today, it really looks good. My hairdresser was from Japan. We talked about Mumintrollen and christmas. He told me that Japanese people traditionally eats KFC on christmas. Odd. Apart from enlightening me with such things he also cut my hair into perfection. Actually it looks pretty much the same as before, just healthy. And, I've realised something. Today I got there with curls in my hair, so therefore he straightened my hair. Whenever I go and my hair is straightened I leave with curls.
I got my hair cut at Toni & Guy today, it really looks good. My hairdresser was from Japan. We talked about Mumintrollen and christmas. He told me that Japanese people traditionally eats KFC on christmas. Odd. Apart from enlightening me with such things he also cut my hair into perfection. Actually it looks pretty much the same as before, just healthy. And, I've realised something. Today I got there with curls in my hair, so therefore he straightened my hair. Whenever I go and my hair is straightened I leave with curls.
swedish girls do it better
at least so it says on Lou's signed cd she got yesterday. Signed by the adorable guitarist in the band. And the rest of the band too. And by ourselves. I wrote Swedish girls do it better too.
So, yesterday we had grand plans, we were going to go to the beach, stay there all day since it was Antonios first day off for a long time, then we were gonna have a picknick in Bondi and then go to Bondi Beach Rd Hotel to watch Bonjah. However the weather didn't cooperate and it rained all day. So we went to IKEA instead. Note to ourselves: Don't go to IKEA on a rainy sunday. It was kind of hectic, kids, parents, couples EVERYWHERE. I don't think Lou and I've ever said "I'm dying" so many times as we did yesterday. Anyhow, we got out alive and brought home a mattress for my bed, two shelves and some things to get our tables and room organized.
Then we got home, Antonio abandoned us, and so it was just Lou, Marcus and myself who went to Bondi. Antonio, it has to be said - you missed out. At Beach Rd a few (hihi) bands were playing, we were there for Bonjah though, I've never really listened to them before, but they were really good. I didn't actually listen to them that much yesterday either since we found some new friends in the band that played before them, The Ryan Meekings and The Few. Really good band actually. They were from Melbourne, hence they were pretty and had great hair and clothes. meaning in my personal view: skinny jeans, tshirt and cons.
After they've closed at Beach Rd we went to Bondi Hotel with Lou's old flatmate Gabriel and his friend something that we met on our way downstairs. Then we met up with two boys from the band, guitarist Brett and drummer Corey (I insisted on calling him Clyde all night, don't know why), went down to the beach and sat there for about 4 hours. Marcus decided it was a good idea to take a swim in the middle of the night, I wasn't very happy about it since the currents are crazy here and the waves too high in the middle of the night. He got out safe though.
He did however end up in hospital, not from swimming though but since he felt so bad, he thought someone had spiked his drink (noone had since we all drank the same beer and we all felt good). So he wasn't feeling very well at all so we eventually called an ambulance to come pick him up. The nurses only laughed and said he had had too much to drink. And Lou and myself were the nicest roomates, leaving our new found friends to help marcus. He is part of the family though, and I'm sure he'd do the same for us.
Now, the other two are still asleep and I'm sitting in the living room, on our cupcake carpet, waiting for my washing machine and our shelves to be delivered. Then, at 2.15 I'm getting my hair cut. Woop.
So, yesterday we had grand plans, we were going to go to the beach, stay there all day since it was Antonios first day off for a long time, then we were gonna have a picknick in Bondi and then go to Bondi Beach Rd Hotel to watch Bonjah. However the weather didn't cooperate and it rained all day. So we went to IKEA instead. Note to ourselves: Don't go to IKEA on a rainy sunday. It was kind of hectic, kids, parents, couples EVERYWHERE. I don't think Lou and I've ever said "I'm dying" so many times as we did yesterday. Anyhow, we got out alive and brought home a mattress for my bed, two shelves and some things to get our tables and room organized.
Then we got home, Antonio abandoned us, and so it was just Lou, Marcus and myself who went to Bondi. Antonio, it has to be said - you missed out. At Beach Rd a few (hihi) bands were playing, we were there for Bonjah though, I've never really listened to them before, but they were really good. I didn't actually listen to them that much yesterday either since we found some new friends in the band that played before them, The Ryan Meekings and The Few. Really good band actually. They were from Melbourne, hence they were pretty and had great hair and clothes. meaning in my personal view: skinny jeans, tshirt and cons.
After they've closed at Beach Rd we went to Bondi Hotel with Lou's old flatmate Gabriel and his friend something that we met on our way downstairs. Then we met up with two boys from the band, guitarist Brett and drummer Corey (I insisted on calling him Clyde all night, don't know why), went down to the beach and sat there for about 4 hours. Marcus decided it was a good idea to take a swim in the middle of the night, I wasn't very happy about it since the currents are crazy here and the waves too high in the middle of the night. He got out safe though.
He did however end up in hospital, not from swimming though but since he felt so bad, he thought someone had spiked his drink (noone had since we all drank the same beer and we all felt good). So he wasn't feeling very well at all so we eventually called an ambulance to come pick him up. The nurses only laughed and said he had had too much to drink. And Lou and myself were the nicest roomates, leaving our new found friends to help marcus. He is part of the family though, and I'm sure he'd do the same for us.
Now, the other two are still asleep and I'm sitting in the living room, on our cupcake carpet, waiting for my washing machine and our shelves to be delivered. Then, at 2.15 I'm getting my hair cut. Woop.
hot, not just us anymore, the weather too.
today (and yesterday) was madness in sydney. 40 degrees! today and 38 yesterday (30 at 2 in the morning!!) we are struggling not to melt away, cause we all know how lonely this little planet we like to call earth would be if we didn't live. so yesterday after an attempt to apply for jobs we went down to balmoral beach which was very nice. spent some hours on the rocks just next to the beach = no sand = great water filled places to sit in.
and since it was friday yesterday we took our slightly tanned asses and walked to north sydney where there is a food fair, which btw is awesome. A lot of kids running around dancing, we were probably the only people without kids! well we laughed at them and drank some cider and laughed some more. i had a lamb sovlaki ... yummy! (this is a new tradition of ours so be sure to hear more of the loveliness of the little fair).
today we just went to baloral. it was great. 40 degrees, 22 in the water (probably..), just enough clouds and sun. I bet the weather is great in sweden too, don't cry swedish friends..
now: movie watching.
and since it was friday yesterday we took our slightly tanned asses and walked to north sydney where there is a food fair, which btw is awesome. A lot of kids running around dancing, we were probably the only people without kids! well we laughed at them and drank some cider and laughed some more. i had a lamb sovlaki ... yummy! (this is a new tradition of ours so be sure to hear more of the loveliness of the little fair).
today we just went to baloral. it was great. 40 degrees, 22 in the water (probably..), just enough clouds and sun. I bet the weather is great in sweden too, don't cry swedish friends..
now: movie watching.
life signs 2
I'm alive as well. My family's been visiting too, so there hasn't been much, or any, time left over for blogging. that and the fact that I haven't had any internet throughout their entire visit. Finally I've gotten some colour on my transparent skin, I started off with a fabolous red. At Palm Beach I kind of forgot about the Australian sun effect, so I'm now peeling a fair bit. Anyway, I'm more brown than red at least.
we've had some great couple of weeks me and the fam, they're leaving on thursday night so they're still here, but not for long, which is sad. I've gotten used to having them here. We first started of in Sydney, doing all kind of things, then headed down to VIC and drove the Great Ocean Road and saw loads of beautiful beaches, koalas in the wild and the Twelwe Apostles of course, then we went to Melbourne. Melbourne is now a favourite city of mine. Another trip there has already started to take form. It's pretty amazing, the shopping and beautiful arcades and hidden lanes. I'm in love with Centre place and pretty much Brunswick St. I still love Sydney though, but I think that when I'm done here, Melbourne might be my next city.
Today we were at Tamarama beach. So beautiful, I got knocked over by a huge wave, it was huge really. The beach were actually closed since the waves were huge and crazy tides. Still I got knocked over and scraped my shins on the sand while standing on the edge of the ocean. I wasn't even in it. Story of my life.

Palm Beach

Bondi Markets

Max Brenner

Bondi Coastal Walk

Bondi Coastal Walk

Point Lonsdale

Point Lonsdale

Wild Koalas in Otway National Park

Beach Johanna

The twelwe apostles

The twelwe apostles


Lygon St

Lygon St

Royal Arcade

Centre Place

Centre Place

Lt Collins St

The Block
x Nicole
we've had some great couple of weeks me and the fam, they're leaving on thursday night so they're still here, but not for long, which is sad. I've gotten used to having them here. We first started of in Sydney, doing all kind of things, then headed down to VIC and drove the Great Ocean Road and saw loads of beautiful beaches, koalas in the wild and the Twelwe Apostles of course, then we went to Melbourne. Melbourne is now a favourite city of mine. Another trip there has already started to take form. It's pretty amazing, the shopping and beautiful arcades and hidden lanes. I'm in love with Centre place and pretty much Brunswick St. I still love Sydney though, but I think that when I'm done here, Melbourne might be my next city.
Today we were at Tamarama beach. So beautiful, I got knocked over by a huge wave, it was huge really. The beach were actually closed since the waves were huge and crazy tides. Still I got knocked over and scraped my shins on the sand while standing on the edge of the ocean. I wasn't even in it. Story of my life.
Palm Beach
Bondi Markets

Max Brenner
Bondi Coastal Walk
Bondi Coastal Walk

Point Lonsdale

Point Lonsdale
Wild Koalas in Otway National Park

Beach Johanna

The twelwe apostles

The twelwe apostles
Lygon St

Lygon St

Royal Arcade
Centre Place

Centre Place

Lt Collins St

The Block
x Nicole
HYRRAY! louise is alive.
i know i haven't been making that much noise the last couple of weeks here on the blog. and i know you missed my incredible ability to catch my everyday life in writing.
so, here's a little update:
as you might know my family was here to visit (which explains my terrible blogging). first we spent some days in sydney. wentto hunter valley and did some touristy stuff. ate awesome new years dinner at 'Nu's' restaurant in north sydnye - very very good thai food.
party at the terrace (matts house) for NYE ..a lot of fun, lasted until 7 when matt and i couldnt take it anymore and fell a leep like little babies. and the lovely little nicole woke us up a few hours (hour) later. :)
after new years we packed our bags and went up to brisbane where we had a cambervan waiting for us. drove up to airlie beach and went out on two diffrent boats, very nice. I love airlie and the whitsundays! and guess who was working on one of the boats.. Tess, (who anna and i got to n´know when we where in airlie last time) she was back and had been there for two months.. so we met up for some airlie beach style drinking.
oh the first boat had great stinger suits! baby pink. i captured the trips best photo: my mother in one, hilarious.
went down to Mooloolaba for some beach time. and great greek salad. if you're ever in Mooloolaba (yes it has 4 o's) try it, don't remeber the name of the restaurant but i'm sure you'll find it.
so how was two weeks in a campervan: Bumpy. very bumpy. but i guess it was a pretty good way to travel. pretty difficult to find parking though..
aaanyway: here are some photos (cause i know you like them so much) - oh and btw the bird is the little devil kind that thought it would be appropriate to dump a little surprise on my head.
src="" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5426928350572283138" />
so, here's a little update:
as you might know my family was here to visit (which explains my terrible blogging). first we spent some days in sydney. wentto hunter valley and did some touristy stuff. ate awesome new years dinner at 'Nu's' restaurant in north sydnye - very very good thai food.
party at the terrace (matts house) for NYE ..a lot of fun, lasted until 7 when matt and i couldnt take it anymore and fell a leep like little babies. and the lovely little nicole woke us up a few hours (hour) later. :)
after new years we packed our bags and went up to brisbane where we had a cambervan waiting for us. drove up to airlie beach and went out on two diffrent boats, very nice. I love airlie and the whitsundays! and guess who was working on one of the boats.. Tess, (who anna and i got to n´know when we where in airlie last time) she was back and had been there for two months.. so we met up for some airlie beach style drinking.
oh the first boat had great stinger suits! baby pink. i captured the trips best photo: my mother in one, hilarious.
went down to Mooloolaba for some beach time. and great greek salad. if you're ever in Mooloolaba (yes it has 4 o's) try it, don't remeber the name of the restaurant but i'm sure you'll find it.
so how was two weeks in a campervan: Bumpy. very bumpy. but i guess it was a pretty good way to travel. pretty difficult to find parking though..
aaanyway: here are some photos (cause i know you like them so much) - oh and btw the bird is the little devil kind that thought it would be appropriate to dump a little surprise on my head.
src="" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5426928350572283138" />

today went by really fast, woke up late since marcus and matt wouldn't let me sleep yesterday. then matt stole the good bed (louise's) which has a heaps softer mattress. woke up in the middle of the night from a text on my phone which I, in my half sleeping state, managed to delete before i could see what it said or who sent it. amazing.
i had grand plans for today which was gonna start off with my favourite morning routine: breakfast by myself in the city (newtown was my goal today) with a book or magazine. then i was gonna get some 120 film for my darling holga and return a dress. BUT my plans didn't follow through at all. instead I met Marcus and Theresa in Darling Harbour (I don't understand whats happening, I've been there again! twice today!) and had coffee at the Lindt Chocolatier. then we went to daytime cinema. and then back to DH to have Corona and lime in the sunset. the new plans could have been way worse.
Now I've had dinner and just spoke to my dad. they're on their way here, in Bangkok now. Their flight was 2 hours late, but they didn't miss the connecting flight at least. So excited to see them tomorrow. Oh, that reminds me - I need to pack a little bag since I'm moving in with them at their hotel instead of staying in my flat. It won't take me long though, it's gonna be hot in the following days, around 25-30 and sunny so I only need light clothes. Amazing
x x
i had grand plans for today which was gonna start off with my favourite morning routine: breakfast by myself in the city (newtown was my goal today) with a book or magazine. then i was gonna get some 120 film for my darling holga and return a dress. BUT my plans didn't follow through at all. instead I met Marcus and Theresa in Darling Harbour (I don't understand whats happening, I've been there again! twice today!) and had coffee at the Lindt Chocolatier. then we went to daytime cinema. and then back to DH to have Corona and lime in the sunset. the new plans could have been way worse.
Now I've had dinner and just spoke to my dad. they're on their way here, in Bangkok now. Their flight was 2 hours late, but they didn't miss the connecting flight at least. So excited to see them tomorrow. Oh, that reminds me - I need to pack a little bag since I'm moving in with them at their hotel instead of staying in my flat. It won't take me long though, it's gonna be hot in the following days, around 25-30 and sunny so I only need light clothes. Amazing
x x
gertrude and alice
yesterday was my jetlagged day, I didn't do anything until evening came, I was so tired. Well I did try do leave the house. First i decided to go to the beach, but then it started raining. Then it stopped, so the city was my next choice. But it started raining again. So I stayed in until the afternoon, then went into the city and watched Sherlock Holmes with Sarah and Emma. It was really good, Guy Ritchie directed it and I love him. Afterwards we met up with the others and had drinks in Darling Harbour, where I never go usually but all of a sudden I've been there twice in two days!
Today we had breakfast in Bondi, went to the markets, got a ring from Recreational that I've been looking at forever. It's a rabbit. I love it. Emma got the same letter disc necklaces for her and her sister that Lou and I have. Then went to one of my favourite spots in Bondi, Gertrude and Alice for coffee. Now I'm back home, getting myself ready, we're hosting taco night at the palace tonight.
Today we had breakfast in Bondi, went to the markets, got a ring from Recreational that I've been looking at forever. It's a rabbit. I love it. Emma got the same letter disc necklaces for her and her sister that Lou and I have. Then went to one of my favourite spots in Bondi, Gertrude and Alice for coffee. Now I'm back home, getting myself ready, we're hosting taco night at the palace tonight.
no time for sleep
Now i'm back in little Sydney. I'm sitting at the kitchen table in our flat eating melon and It's 30 C outside and air humidity 99%. Last day was a lot of fun, hectic and no time to feel jetlagged. Sarah came to pick me up at 6am, then we went back to our place and I had a long shower after the flight from hell (the last one from Bangkok was good though, lots of space and I saw both September Issue and The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus (see it! h. ledgers last film, it's great.))
We then went straight to The Terrace to find Lou, Matt and Lou's younger brother Axel decked out in the bed and sofa. (I have to give it to them, it was new years day and 8.30 am) Matt, being fairly hungover, was a bit rude. but he came over to us later in the afternoon and was his normal lovely self again. We exchanged christmas presents and after a couple of hours we left Matt to recover, after he had rode his bike out on the street in his underwear. He did wear his helmet though. We went to Crows Nest to say hi to Antonio, Emma, Petra and Robin. I still haven't said hi to the last two, they didn't want to come out from their room. Marcus was there as well, and another girl, I still don't know her name. Noone does. She slept at the Crows Nesters after Matt's party and I thought she was there with Marcus but no, he didn't know her either. Noone did. She then borrowed clothes from Emma, came in to the city with us and tried to get hold of the friend she was visiting since she didn't know what the place she lived at was called. She had a good start of the new year.
We walked around the city, took the monorail and played tourists, went to Darling Harbour and had lunch at the stairs. Then decided to go to Manly for dinner on the beach. Now I just need to get a tan. But it's not sunny, doesn't really matter here though in the country without a ozonlayer. I'm terribly pale, see through would be the correct description. Especially next to Emma who is black. Literary. I'm jealous.

x x
We then went straight to The Terrace to find Lou, Matt and Lou's younger brother Axel decked out in the bed and sofa. (I have to give it to them, it was new years day and 8.30 am) Matt, being fairly hungover, was a bit rude. but he came over to us later in the afternoon and was his normal lovely self again. We exchanged christmas presents and after a couple of hours we left Matt to recover, after he had rode his bike out on the street in his underwear. He did wear his helmet though. We went to Crows Nest to say hi to Antonio, Emma, Petra and Robin. I still haven't said hi to the last two, they didn't want to come out from their room. Marcus was there as well, and another girl, I still don't know her name. Noone does. She slept at the Crows Nesters after Matt's party and I thought she was there with Marcus but no, he didn't know her either. Noone did. She then borrowed clothes from Emma, came in to the city with us and tried to get hold of the friend she was visiting since she didn't know what the place she lived at was called. She had a good start of the new year.
We walked around the city, took the monorail and played tourists, went to Darling Harbour and had lunch at the stairs. Then decided to go to Manly for dinner on the beach. Now I just need to get a tan. But it's not sunny, doesn't really matter here though in the country without a ozonlayer. I'm terribly pale, see through would be the correct description. Especially next to Emma who is black. Literary. I'm jealous.

x x
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